How To Lessen Common Mistakes And Write Great Thesis?

James Anderson
3 min readMay 30, 2017


For a student who wants to graduate in sciences related subjects like engineering, commerce or medical there isn’t any exception for him/her to be weak in languages and especially scripting dissertation, proposals and essays etc. in academic form.

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Neither they can afford to be weak in academic scripting, as their overall grades are evaluated by their performance in all subjects nor the professors compromise on the quality of the assignments.

This makes it tough for the science students but by carefully practicing and listening to the tips of pros that provide thesis writing services they can definitely excel in the academic scripting and can gain good grades in all subjects.

Common mistakes and misconceptions of students:

Below are some of the common mistakes made by students and some tips that help them understand better and avoid these problems.

Usage of than and then:

Than is mostly used when comparing things like “this is expensive than the other one”. But the word then has number of meanings like “in addition to and at a point of time” etc. Then will be used in all the situation where there is no comparison is done.

Usage of me, myself and I:

Myself is used in the sentence like this “I said to myself why not do it” or “many love cricket, but I myself feel it sucks”.
On the other hand the usage of ‘me and I’ is simple. The right one can be chosen by removing the first person from the sentence and use the one which sounds well and in line with the sentence.

Use of apostrophe:

Normally apostrophe is used in two conditions one for contraction purposes like “don’t for do not” and other main purpose of it is to shoe the possession of something. For e.g. “Sebastian’s car” here the apostrophe means the possession of Sebastian or the car belongs to him.

Usage of compliment and complement:-

When you praise someone or say something nice about a person then it is a “compliment”. On the other hand “complement” is something that supports or supplements a doing.

Fewer and less:

According to thesis writing services providers’ one common misconception or mistake done by students is between fewer and less. The difference between them is easy like if it can be counted then the word ‘fewer’ is used like “I am having fewer problems in studying now”.

Less is used where the thing cannot be counted like “cauliflower was less tasty then chicken”.

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Principle and principal:

A fundamental truth or standard is called principle and it is a noun. As compared to principal which means a high rank or the main thing or personality.

