Economic Value of a Law Degree, 2014, Simkovic & McIntyre

Writing / Money — Can You Have Them Both?

How to Add $1 Million to Your Lifetime Earnings

But not for everyone

James Bellerjeau
4 min readOct 6, 2022


It’s actually easier to make a lot of money than most people realize. That is to say, there are some well-known and reliable methods, one of which I will describe here. I will also describe the relevance this has for your writing career.

Successfully executing the methods requires patience, persistence, and hard work. This is why most people don’t pursue them. In this way, making money is a similar problem to building fitness or maintaining a healthy weight. We have objective evidence on how to do it, but most of us aren’t able to expend the necessary effort to reach the desired goal.

The short answer

Go to law school.

In a 2014 paper in the Journal of Legal Studies by Michael Simkovic and Frank McIntyre, The Economic Value of a Law Degree, the authors state:

We estimate the mean pre-tax lifetime value of a law degree as approximately $1,000,000.

Lawyers’ earnings are higher at every age bracket than those of bachelor degree holders. Lawyers’ earnings grow fast and peak later.

The longer answer



James Bellerjeau

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals