Photo © James Bellerjeau

Writing / Money — Can You Have Them Both?

How to Double Your Earnings, and Double Them Again

A truly reliable method

4 min readOct 7, 2022


I do not have a quick method. But I will describe a method that works, reliably.

That’s more than you can say about the process of becoming a successful writer. You can find a ton of advice here on Medium about writing, and a lot of good advice. You can follow it all, diligently, and still find no success. This is a function of the odds, not of the advice.

Today’s advice can be dispensed simply, much more simply than it is to execute:

Get an Education, the More the Better

Go to school, stay in school, work as hard as you can to do well. If you are in the top half of your class, seek the next degree after you graduate. For example, complete high school and if you are suited continue on to college. If you perform in the top half at college, continue on to get a graduate degree.

Successfully educating yourself will do more for your lifelong earning prospects more reliably than anything else you do. I gave just one example in How to Add $1 Million to Your Lifetime Earnings.



James Bellerjeau

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals