What Made You Successful May Not Keep You Successful

How to recognize when your future success as a writer requires you to pivot

James Bellerjeau, JD, MBA


Photo by hay s on Unsplash

Gaining initial success on Medium may sow the seeds for keeping you from future success. How does this happen and what might you do to keep on your successful trajectory?

Success (Initially) = Gaining Followers

We all want to have our stories read. Besides the thrill of sharing, we earn money from eyeballs on screens. More followers mean more eyeballs.

Method (Initially) = Following Others

We attract followers by following other writers and, importantly, reading and interacting with them.

As we become more successful, our method becomes less viable. In fact, sticking to the initial growth model for too long risks causing failure. Here’s why.

Success (Long-Term) = High-Quality Content

No matter how many followers we attract, they will not read our stories if our quality drops.

I’ll give a favorite writer the benefit of the doubt for a few crappy stories, but if they stop writing the things that attracted me, I move on. There’s just too much competition.



James Bellerjeau, JD, MBA

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at predictable intervals (now weekly)