Surah Yasin

5 min readMay 27, 2022


Surah Yasin

Information about Surah Yaseen:

Located in: 22 Parah
Surah NO: 36th
Revelation Place: Makkah
Surah Yaseen Ayats: 83 verses
Surah Yaseen Words: 807
Surah Yaseen Letters: 3028
Surah Yaseen Rukus: 5

Jazak Allah for Reading Surah Yaseen!

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Surah Yaseen Reading Benefits

A full surah Yaseen reading in Arabic (or, at least, the translation) is only 8 pages long, which means you can get through it in less than 10 minutes. That’s not much time to benefit from this powerful surah, so let’s take a look at what surah Yaseen benefits await those who read it daily. First of all, reading surah Yaseen regularly strengthens your connection with Allah and reminds you that He exists no matter what else happens in your life.

Power Of Reciting The Quran

The Surah Yasin is one of the most powerful surahs in the Quran, so whoever reads it with true belief and sincerity will be blessed by Allah. Below are some benefits of reciting Surah Yasin -It brings comfort to believers. -It drives away evil spirits (hudooth). — It cleanses sins as water washes clothes. — It eliminates poverty, misery, and distress from life.

Powerful Effects On Brain

Surah Yasin is a very powerful healing surah that has wonderful effects on the human body in numerous ways. It is reported that when someone memorizes Surah Yasin and then recites it, Allah will record every single letter of Surah Yasin as many rewards in his record of deeds, Insha-Allah. When one recites it with true belief (iman) and ponders over its meaning, he/she will get enormous benefits from it.

Beautifies Our Heart

According to Ayatullah Khamenei, when we recite Surah Yasin for a period of time, it beautifies our hearts. ʿAllāmah Ḥasan Dehlawī comments that reciting SurAh Yasīn purifies one’s heart from falsehood and fills it with love for Allah. Reciting Surah Yasīn, according to Ibn Al-Jawzī, is an effective remedy against forgetfulness.

Beautifies Our Soul

Surah Yaseen is a heart-soothing surah that often takes its place in our salaah, as well as being one of those surahs that every Muslim should learn by heart. This surah beautifies our soul and brings along with it many benefits for us. It is indeed worthy to be recited more frequently than we currently do.

Change In Belief And Attitude

Many people perform surah Yaseen reading daily and some even read it three times a day. Those who believe that Allah listens to their prayers, expect results by reciting surah Yaseen. They also have complete faith in their Rabb’s promise in ayat ul kursi verily with every hardship there is relief and think that with each hardship of our life, we will overcome it if we do so with patience.

Remove Anger And Depression

It is believed that reading Surah Yaseen can remove all negative emotions from a person. It is suggested to recite this surah at least 100 times for good results in removing anger and depression. It will help bring you closer to Allah (SWT) and strengthen your faith in Him.

Cure Diseases And Provide Health

Surah Yasin is not only beneficial in curing diseases but it can also provide health. It has been mentioned in a Hadith: Whoever reads Surah Yaseen in his house every night, Allah Ta’ala gives him a light by which he walks in darkness, and whoever reads Surah Yasin regularly at night he is never affected by poison or magic. (Sunan Tirmidhi)

Makes You Prosperous

There is a beautiful reward for reciting Surah Yaseen. It has been narrated by Imam Tabarani in his Mu’jam al Kabir that if a person reads surah Yaseen 7 times after maghrib, he will be forgiven all of his sins since birth and have plenty of money in his pocket on the next day. On top of that, he will have 70 angels assigned to him to keep sending him blessings and prayers 24 hours each day.

Get Rid Of Bad Habits And Traits From Past Life

Getting rid of bad habits and traits from a past life may seem impossible, but they can be if you take one verse at a time. Surah Yasin is such a powerful surah that it has been given that honor by Allah Almighty Himself. It is for those who want to get rid of their bad habits and traits from a past life, improve their manners, speak beautifully and with confidence in front of others or simply be a better person altogether. What are you waiting for? Read Surah Yaseen now!

Remove Sorrow, Sadness, and Boredom

Unique benefits, Surah Yaseen is particularly beneficial for getting rid of sadness, sorrow, and boredom. It is important to read Surah Yaseen as it has a soothing quality that will help you get rid of negative emotions. In addition to that, Surah Yasin gives rewards in both worlds; it brings long life and makes your money grow so much that you won’t even be able to count how much you have.

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