Becoming A Freemason Relates You To God And Christianity More Closely Than Ever

Universal Co-Masonry
2 min readMar 21, 2018


When you have a dream of becoming a Freemason, you mustn’t give up on that, as it’s the best decision you can make to be the best at being a servant of God. Be motivated and encouraged to be a Freemason because of the morality and spirituality that it enlightens in you. You become a better person, and you’re motivated to spread the Good News and the Word amongst your people. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in Christianity, or you’re a Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or of any other religion, the temple you will believe in after becoming a Freemason would serve the purpose of being religious and dedicated to your God.
Apart from the fact that you have to be driven by the willingness to serve your God, and the words of the God you believe in should be the most important words in your life, for becoming a Freemason, you must fulfil the following requirements:

1.You would be expected to have interest in regular lodge meetings as and when required.
2.You mustn’t be joining because of pressure from your family or anyone else. It should be your sole decision.
3.You must be at least 21 years of age, as it’s essential to be of lawful age.
4.The most important of all you must believe in God, and willing to learn and serve him.

Freemasons belong to the oldest fraternity in the world, and with over 2 million members it also is the largest. Masons have always been there since the 16th century, and it is traditional to become a Freemason for many families who respect and promote their culture. Apart from the reason of following the family’s line of work, becoming a Freemason means you’re stepping forward to fight against ignorance and intolerance. You will be proud that you’re a Freemason once you become one because of all the wisdom, knowledge and positivity it brings to your life.

To be a Freemason, you have to be motivating, spiritually strong and strongly believing in the almighty. You should be a good student so that one day you can be a good teacher and great Freemason.

The opportunities that you gain to learn the truths about morality and spirituality would brighten and strengthen your relationship with God and his fellowmen. So don’t worry whether you’re white, black or brown in complexion or race, becoming a Freemason is the path that doesn’t discriminate people no matter what their gender or origin. Go ahead and be a Freemason and serve your God from the bottom of your heart and praise his name now and forever.



Universal Co-Masonry

Freemasonry for men and women, fraternally united without distinction of race, religion, creed, or sexual orientation.