Platform changes — 18th June 2020

A quick update on some of the latest requested changes from the community

James Morgan
3 min readJun 18, 2020

Last month we received lots of very useful feedback from you guys, the community. You told us what you’d like KO to be working and what direction you’d like KO to take. Today we rolled out the first set of requested changes, hopefully you all like them. I’ll try keep this short and sweat!

Offers only

Something we haven’t previously been asked for, but a feature which several people commented on in the recent survey.

We’ve now added some smart contract magic to make this happen 🎩— as an artist you can now enable your artworks for only accepting offers and not requiring them to have a “buy now” price. This can be toggled on and off, and should work for the vast majority of already minted editions.

There will no longer be a listed price when “offers only” is enabled, when a admirer makes an you an offer we will email you so please do check you have added an email to your profile. ✉️

When creating an edition be sure to toggle this button if you want it minted as “offers only”.

Once minted you can then toggle this feature on and offer via artwork management tools.

Hopefully this helps with price discovery which is often hard for newcomers to the space and a questions which has come up in the past.

Increased file size limit to 50mb

This was a commonly requested feature, a long time coming as well — we’ve now completed testing and made a few tweaks to enable this within KO. We will also be adding other files types in the not to distance future as well but need some more time to get this right.

When minting we now support a max file size of 50mb plus several popular image and video formats with more on the way.

With bigger files, of higher quality, along with our little unknown feature of being able to zoom in and rotate images— meaning you can zoom in to your heart's content! 😍 🔍

More collaboration options

Collaborating and philanthropy just received a little boost 🚀.

Charities, artists, galleries, curators and anyone else you’d like to include in receiving a part of sales now has more options when doing so. You can now select from a increased range of collaboration options when minting artwork.

Selecting either 90%, 75%, 50%, 25% or 10% to the collaborating account specified. Meaning on all primary and secondary sales which happen on KO, the collaborating party always take their share of the sale forever! 👭 👬

We’ve seen this be used more in a lockdown world, used to raise funds for good causes and as artists continue to work together and collaborate with each other in an ever increasing digital first world.

Thats a wrap! Thanks for reading and contributing as ever.

Let us know what you think❗️

Come join our Telegram, follow us on Twitter or Instagram and start your digital art collection today.

Love KO Team ❤️ 👏



James Morgan

Founder of @knownorigin_io @BlockRocketTech @blockchain_manc — NFT nerd, crypto enthusiast, lover of music, humanist, mostly found hacking web3