FAQs Regarding The Importance of SSL Certificates For Websites

James Smith
3 min readJul 30, 2019


A website is like a regular business and just like you take care of a conventional business, you should take care of your site.

The world is moving towards a secure Internet with SSL certificates that provide secure data transmission from user end to server. SSL or Secured Socket Layer is fast becoming a sign of trust.

Sites without security are featured with Red Sign to alert visitors and those that care for their visitors always go with SSL certificates provided by IT service companies. A study of jump in the cybercrime from 2016 to 2017 makes it mandatory for sites to get security.

SSL Certificate

The year 2017 saw a 44% jump in cybercrimes from the previous year. In 2017, there were 1579 breaches but in 2016 the number was 1093. The cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to break into sites and decamp with crucial data.

It is needless to say that Internet users that value privacy and want to stay safe while dealing with websites always choose secure connections. But still, some sites have reservations with SSL.

Let’s check the common misconceptions about using safety features.

Since I don’t process payment, I don’t need additional security for my site”

The logic makes sense if you think that the cybercriminals are only after your bank transactions. But if you look at the larger picture of cybercrime, you will find that even a simple looking email id can provide expose your business before cybercriminals.

Secure Sockets Layer

Additional security would slow down my site”

It is good that you are aware of the importance of speed for your site but running a site without security isn’t advisable. Just like you follow safety rules while driving your car, you should remain aware of the safety of your business and users. The fact is that SSL would have little impact on the speed of your site.

SSL won’t provide full-proof security”

The encrypted connection provides security from one end to another but it can’t check the malware and spyware sitting on server and user’s end. Yes, the security won’t be full-proof but it would be strengthened. With SSL, your site would go a level upon reliability.

If you have any queries on SSL certificates or regarding web hosting then please contact Web Hosting Australia, who is among one of the leading IT service providers at the current scenario. Let an expert clarify your doubts regarding SSL security so that you understand its benefits for your site.

Websites running without SSL certificates will soon become out of the competition because the users won’t consider the sites that have no security layers. If your site is running without security cover then its time you get the security.



James Smith

I’m a professional website developer, I’m eager to learn new technology and much interested in artificial intelligence (AI).