What is Business Hosted Emails?

James Smith
2 min readMay 24, 2019


Business Hosted Emails or Email hosting provider provide a type of service that they rent out to our users. When you get a mail to your website’s domain address, the mail is drive off across the internet and stored on the beneficiary server. Business Hosted Emails is a system in which your mail data and related files are all stored on a server. While there are many free versions available in the market. You can get it by different hosting companies but this is only for that purpose when you are not sharing any credentials or important data, maybe your data is not secure. When you just sending a rough data then it’s okay but not always.

Why and when we need Business Hosted Emails or Server Hosting Emails?

As for companies name promotion, most hosting providers need their own domain name to users. A domain name (such as www.yourwebsite.com) and some Business Hosted Emails account features provided by your server company, you can create your domain wise email accounts (such as your name @ yourwebsite.com).

Why Companies use Business Hosted Emails and what is the benefits?

Some valuable company provides this type of service with least charges but they also provide the security as well as a backup when it’s necessary. Professional email hosting providers take care of both incoming and outgoing emails, and also they are managed by a dedicated mailing server or separate shared hosting. At this point, the server heads will figure out which move to take (reply or ignore) remembering any spam channels, re-routing requests, and demands and if the sender is on any boycotts or blacklisted.

Who they provide this type of emails?

The Business Hosted Emails may be the same server that is hosting the content of your website. A hosting server managed by another host or the same hosting company managed the two different servers. Email hosting providers can only be specialists in offering only Business Hosted Emails services, but for companies, presenting a bundle of email and web hosting packages is more specific. Some popular vendor provides Business Hosted Emails like an Aussie web host, Broadway Infotech. I suggest our viewers because of their packages are very much affordable. The best part is that customer support before the service and after the service.



James Smith

I’m a professional website developer, I’m eager to learn new technology and much interested in artificial intelligence (AI).