Virtual reality in education, What is Virtual Reality, In Games, Meaning…

James Storm
3 min readFeb 2, 2022


In this Topic (Virtual Reality in Education) We cover some common questions about virtual reality…

  • “So what happens when “virtual reality” takes over traditional education?”
  • Now a disciplinary case appears. Will students rely on themselves and behave smart to attend all online classes?
  • Will they keep their promises to their parents that, they will act because of discipline and order?

Virtual reality in education, What is Virtual Reality, In Games, Meaning…

Getting online classes is an example of “virtual reality”. Whether online classes have tutors or not, there will be lectures in the form of a presentation that can be followed by students. Making everything online may be difficult at this time but with time all the digital tools needed will be available.

“So what happens when “virtual reality” takes over traditional education?”

Simple, students will not be asked to go to school or universiy. By learning everything online and recording important points, they succeeded. There will be replays available for online teaching lessons that students can play as much as they like from the comfort of their home if they miss something or don’t understand anything.

They can schedule exams on one of the easy online dates and appear in the online exam accordingly.

Books may not be extinct. Along with replay tutorial lessons, students can buy the hardcover or digital books, which they like, and prepare for tests and exams.

Online classes are available this way. Virtual reality taking over traditional education means that online classes will be rampant and widespread.

For two or three decades, this is how I consider virtual reality to take over and how life will become more comfortable for students.

No need to wake up in the morning, no need to swallow a breakfast that is not so tasty, no need to travel or drive — life becomes simple and easy, everything from the comfort of the house.

Now a disciplinary case appears. Will students rely on themselves and behave smart to attend all online classes?

Will they keep their promises to their parents that, they will act because of discipline and order?

In traditional education, there is always a teacher or professor to guide students all this time. But can students remain enough disciplined and cooked to stick to the online rules or will they destroy all the rules and become homeless?

The danger that will occur also located today whether a student will hold on values and principles and obey the rules and work hard for the title. He can easily enter the wrong way, interested in a weekend disco party and become more pleasant, without regard to their studies.

Therefore, in my opinion, even though the online class or virtual reality has a threat to education in the future, it is my belief that children who are well grown will all want to learn, graduate and finally work. Of course, parenting does have a role in this matter. A good parenting will always be enough to give their children ethics, values, and the right principles so they don’t get lost or out of their boundaries.

For many more Articles visit: What is Virtual Reality?

