15 tools for dramatically increasing work efficiency

4 min readDec 21, 2017


author: @yokoken
Qiita — yokoken

10 recommended apps

1. Alfred (work efficiency improvement)


You can instantly fly to pre-configured URLs and folders under the Finder

2. HyperSwitch (switching on Windows basis)

You can move the screen for each browser

3. Magnet (Screen split optimization)

You can instantly split the screen into 2 divisions / 4 divisions

4. ClipMenu (clipboard history and fixed form sentences)

After copying the sentence, you can leave it in the history and use it immediately.
It is possible to carry out copying work consecutively and pasting work separately.

5. Franz (Message-based service centralized management)

It is possible to manage chat based applications in one unit.

6. Simplenote (Notepad that can be tagged)

You can save notes for each type so you can tag memos and leave notes

7. Boostnote (programmer’s notepad)

Since you can take notes with markdown, you can stock code written with ruby ​​etc.
It is easy to understand if you think that it is a markdown version of Simplenote that is divided according to tagging and categories.

8.Skitch (Image processing / sharing)

Arrows and wordings can be instantly added to the uploaded images, making it easier to convert to PDF or copy

9. Todoist (To-Do List and Task Management)

You can add tasks with one command and you can immediately delete completed ones

10. Quickres (maximum resolution setting)

You can change the screen resolution freely.
You can also select a special resolution that can not be set from the system environment settings.
As a feature, you can expand pseudo resolution by supporting Retina non-mounted function as well.

5 selection Recommended Chrome extension

1. Vimnium (browsing without mouse)

You can move the browser without using a mouse.

2. Newspicks (NewsPicks Official Browser Read Unconsciously Everyday)

When opening a new tab with 【Command + N】, the article of Newspicks is covered,
Even without consciousness, hot topics come into my eyes.

3. Full Page Screen Capture (pdf down the display screen)

From the top of the browser to the bottom can be pdfized with a single click

4. SearchPreview (Web site design confirmation)

It displays the image on the left side of the text

5. Auto Pagerize (Multiple page scrolling)

While scrolling, the next page will be displayed automatically

