How To Increase Your IQ By 20 Points?

James Marshall
4 min readJan 18, 2021


Misguided ‘common wisdom’ has told us that IQ does not change. Essentially, we are stuck with what we started with and that this cannot be transformed through experience. Yet, ground-breaking studies now show that there is a very specific process that the brain can go through that can result in an increase of at least 20 IQ points.

My work over these last three years has been in scaling businesses. I quickly learned to master marketing and sales, but this was possible because I knew how to put my brain through transformation. I knew how to do this because my teacher and friend, Marshall Thurber, who I lived and worked with for around a year in Utah, USA, shared a life-changing theory with me. This theory, known as the theory of ‘dissipative structures,’ can be summarised in the following way:

Any system that is flooded with new energy (input) is capable of evolution. The new input can disturb the old stored information and result in a leap into new understanding. Human beings that engage in the process of actively taking in more input can thus begin to engage in the process of evolution.

Some people have referred to this as post-traumatic growth, something that is rarely spoken about with all the emphasis on the stress that can happen after life-altering events. Yet post-traumatic growth has been studied extensively and studies by Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun found that “many who experience trauma — such as being diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness, losing a loved one, or experiencing sexual assault — not only show incredible resilience but actually thrive in the aftermath of the traumatic event.”

Of course, I am not necessarily saying here that the IQ is grown through these kinds of traumatic experiences, but I am referring to the fact that evolution is possible when the brain is compelled to ‘leap to a new phase.’ It is compelled to make such a leap when new energy (input) has rattled or shaken up the old structures and taken the mind out of its usual reference point. I see this all the time with clients when they are on the precipice of life-changing growth; they start to lose the old subconscious reference point and they experience Perturbation.

Perturbation is the sensory experience of the theory of dissipative structures. It can feel like a strong level of stress, and has even been likened to a low-grade flu. But what is happening is that there is a breakdown of the old reference point so that the subconscious and thus the brain can start to experience a quantum leap. It is reported that states of perturbation can last an average of 55 milliseconds, and that the longer we can stay perturbed, the more the IQ can increase.

The brain scientist Robert Thatcher said that:

For every millisecond spent in the perturbative (chaotic) state over the average 55 milliseconds added as much as twenty (20) IQ points to that person.

Take a moment and re-read that quote. Thatcher is essentially saying that if you can stay within the state of perturbation for even 1 millisecond longer than the average 55 milliseconds, your IQ can jump by as much as 20 points. This might be one of the most profound discoveries with regard to human potential and evolution. When I read it, I am filled with permission to keep growing — to keep expanding through limitation so that I can come into more of a comprehensive view of things.

Working with this theory can result in mastery happening quite quickly. The notion of 10,000 hours as suggested by Malcolm Gladwell is severely challenged by this theory. Gladwell’s 10,000 hours is seemingly premised on a non-evolutionary approach — an approach that does not involve the function of perturbation. Yet when perturbation is consciously embraced, the IQ can increase rapidly and profoundly and mastery can quickly emerge. I wonder if you are hearing what I am saying here. If you are reading this, what does it mean for you?

What more can you be doing to evolve further? How much more can you push your brain so that there can be a quantum leap?

I would love to hear your reflections in the comments below.

Additionally, if you are interested in more of this kind of subconscious transformation work, add me as a friend on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn and let’s speak more about what I can do to support your transformation.

