Beginners Series Updated!

James Bowen
2 min readJan 18, 2021


Where has Monday Morning Haskell been? Well, to ring in 2021, we’ve been making some big improvements to the permanent content on the site. So far we’ve focused on the Beginners section of the site. All the series here are updated with improved code blocks and syntax highlighting. In addition, we’ve fully revised most of them and added companion Github repositories so you can follow along!


Our Liftoff Series is our first stop for Haskell beginners. If you’ve never written a line of Haskell in your life but want to learn, this is the place to start! You can follow along with all the code in the series by using this Github repository.

Monads Series

Monads are a big “barrier” topic in Haskell. They don’t really exist much in most other languages, but they’re super important in Haskell. Our Monads Series breaks them down, starting with simpler functional structures so you can understand more easily! The code for this series can be found on Github here.

Testing Basics

You can’t do serious production development in any language until you’ve mastered the basics of unit testing. Our Testing Series will school you on the basics of writing and running your first unit tests in Haskell. It’ll also teach you about profiling your code so you can see improvements in its runtime! And you can follow along with the code right here on Github!

Haskell Data Basics

Haskell’s data types are one of the first things that made me enjoy Haskell more than other languages. In this series we explore the ins and outs of Haskell’s data declaration syntax and related topics like typeclasses. We compare it side-by-side with other languages and see how much easier it is to express certain concepts! Take a look at the code here!

What’s Next?

Next up we’ll be going through the same process for some of our more advanced series. So in the next couple weeks you can look forward to improvements there! Stay tuned!

