Preparing for Rust!

James Bowen
2 min readJul 13, 2020


Next week, we’re going to change gears a bit and start some interesting projects with Rust! Towards the end of last year, we dabbled a bit with Rust and explored some of the basics of the language. In our next series of blog articles, we’re going to take a deep dive into some more advanced concepts.

We’ll explore several different Rust libraries in various topics. We’ll consider data serialization, web servers and databases, among other. We’ll build a couple small apps, and compare the results to our earlier work with Haskell.

To get ready for this series, you should brush up on your Rust basics! To help, we’ve wrapped up our Rust content into a permanent series on the Beginners page! Here’s an overview of that series:

Part 1: Basic Syntax

We start out by learning about Rust’s syntax. We’ll see quite a few differences to Haskell. But there are also some similarities in unexpected places.

Part 2: Memory Management

One of the major things that sets Rust apart from other languages is how it manages memory. In the second part, we’ll learn a bit about how Rust’s memory system works.

Part 3: Data Types

In the third part of the series, we’ll explore how to make our own data types in Rust. We’ll see that Rust borrows some of Haskell’s neat ideas!

Part 4: Cargo Package Manager

Cargo is Rust’s equivalent of Stack and Cabal. It will be our package and dependency manager. In part 4, we see how to make basic Rust projects using Cargo.

Part 5: Lifetimes And Collections

In the final part, we’ll look at some more advanced collection types in Rust. Because of Rust’s memory model, we’ll need some special rules for handling items in collections. This will lead us to the idea of lifetimes.

If you prefer video content, our Rust Video Tutorial also provides a solid foundation. It goes through all the topics in this series, starting from installation. Either way, stay tuned for new blog content, starting next week!

