6 Pros and 6 Cons to Becoming an Entrepreneur

James Livingood
Published in
8 min readFeb 17, 2020


Being an entrepreneur is difficult and is not a decision that should be made lightly. Not only do you have to factor in the work, but the mental components as well. Having a day job is the traditional way that most people like to go, and there are good reasons for that. There are reasons one would want to become an entrepreneur and reasons one would not want to become an entrepreneur. Here are five reasons to become an entrepreneur and five reasons not to become an entrepreneur.

Reason 1 to become an entrepreneur: more write-offs

When you’re an entrepreneur, you look at your expenses in a much different light. You begin to ask about every little expense. Is this expense needed to perform my business? That question seems to expand the more often you ask it. Expenses you might have normally just paid for, will now be written off. One example is the entertainment needed if you produce entertainment. Normally a person would just pay for their TV or movie subscriptions out of their own pocket. However, if you’re building entertainment material, based upon TV shows and movies, then you may need access to these sources. That means that the sources will become write offs to you. In addition, several meetings may require meals. That means that meals, drinks, and other snacks (for example, during client meetings) may…

