ChatCampaign How To: Menu Setup

James B. Lindsay
3 min readFeb 12, 2019


Here I will discuss how to configure your Messenger’s Menu and why you might want to.

First, what is a Messenger Menu?

The menu is available to users who speak to your business/page on Messenger. It allows them easy access to your other ChatCampaigns or a to a website.

On ChatCampaign’s Messenger we have two options in our menu.

Pricing leads users to our website’s pricing page:
Trial Signup leads users to our Trial Signup ChatCampaign:

Users access the menu by clicking on the ‘Menu’ Button on mobile phones or desktops.

As a ChatCampaign user, you are able to customize two of your menu options. If you are an Enterprise user, you have the option to remove ‘Powered by ChatCampaign’ from the menu.

To customize your menu options go to the Configure Page.

Once there, you can add your two menu options by clicking ‘New Menu Item’.

You can add a URL or a link to a Campaign.

Let’s add a link to a Campaign.

When a user clicks on a menu option that links to a Campaign it will be triggered straight away. Here I will select my Private Beta Download campaign to add it as a menu option.

Once it is selected make sure to click ‘Save’.

This is what it looks like from the user’s point of view when they trigger a ChatCampaign from the menu:

Adding a URL as a menu option is even easier.

You can get creative with your URLs as well… it can link to an Eventbrite, Youtube videos, landing page, payments page, or Google Maps location link.

Note: make sure to include the whole URL address with the http:// or https:// before the web address. not

That’s it! You should be fully equipped to customize your Messenger Menu!🏆

