Poem — Some Call It Love

Sep 4, 2023


Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

Pulsating through the ocean bed
Filling up the midnight sky
Orchestrating theatrical waves
Inspiring a mermaids lullaby
Sailors need not row again
The currents shall guide them home
Charged by a magic woven in all
A tapestry waiting to unfold.

It needs no tongue
To speak its truth
It heals without words
and feels beyond thought
Lighting the campfire embers
While merry souls dance along.

Rooted in the trees
Adding colour to the leaves
and moisture to the breeze
Some call it hope
Some call it peace
Some call it love
That makes the birds sing.

Insulating through hugs
and drying cold tears
A tingly sensation that never disappears.




In the jewel of mother nature, her heart bursting with joy, as another one of her children is free