Cool Nerds vs. Lame Nerds 🤓

James Biller
1 min readOct 3, 2017


Napoleon Dynamite

“Why would you ever hang out with that super nerdy guy?”

“Bro that’s such a nerdy thing to say. Quit being so lame.”

“That nerd studies way too much. They need to get a life.”

These are some of the reactions that some people have about what it is to be a nerd.

But is being a nerd definitely a negative thing? Hell no.

In fact, if you’re not a nerd about anything then you probably have no life, as you don’t find anything worth nerding out about.

There are some people who will sacrifice all their values in the pursuit of a classically nerdy activity like gaming or schoolwork.

We can define lame nerds as those who devote too much time to such activities. However, lame nerds are a minority in my experience.

Most people that nerd out on something are cool nerds, in that them being passionate about what they’re a nerd about makes the nerdy subject more fascinating since the nerd has all this specialist knowledge to soak up into our brains.

So it is not that all nerds are lame; but that people who hold this paradigm are lame, while most nerds are not.

