James C Dragon | A Philosophical Exploration — Are Dragons Real?

James C Dragon
2 min readApr 23, 2018

James C Dragon | The subject of whether dragons are genuine is a troublesome one, made confused by the way that we don’t generally have a working meaning of “dragon.” Everyone realizes that it alludes to a type of expansive, layered, reptilian animal; however that is an able portrayal of a dinosaur. Is a dinosaur a dragon? Numerous individuals do trust that the bones of dinosaurs, found by old people groups, offered ascend to the confidence in a considerable lot of the substantial mythic monsters that were usually had confidence in.

James C Dragon | Nonetheless, most would concur that the term monster really speaks to a legendary mammoth. The dinosaurs were a sub classification unto themselves and have their own particular unmistakable place in the aggregate human creative energy. In any case, monsters are extraordinary, they are exceptional, they are mystery.

The fundamental nature of a dragon, which separates it from Komodo monsters, or Dinosaurs, is enchantment. That is the reason such a significant number of dragons fly, or inhale fire, or cast spells. It is this unimaginable component that outlines the dragon from different individuals from the reptile family.

James C Dragon | The odd thing is, it is this recognizing quality, enchantment, which makes it unimaginable for dragons to exist. Enchantment is nearly by definition something which is outlandish. When something ends up conceivable, it is never again enchantment.

The inquiry that must be addressed at that point is if a types of reptile was discovered, that had wings, and could by one means or another inhale fire, and everything worked by genuine common logical law, would they be monsters? Or then again upon disclosure, would they quickly turn out to be simply one more animal varieties in the index of creatures?



James C Dragon

James C Dragon is an American artist, craftsman and picture taker who accomplished notoriety as a photorealist, through his monstrous scale representations.