Ancient Temple Ananda — Bagan

James Cowel
3 min readApr 23, 2018


If Angkor of Cambodia expresses his exquisite in stone and brick, the Ancient Temple Ananda — Bagan Myanmar is the embodiment of beauty vastness and solitude with numerous temples, pagodas flexible From the sacred town of Nyang U, the first place travelers felt the silhouette of land glorious past Buddhist temples in Bagan are clusters Lawkachanthar — Thagyarhit — Thagyarpone. Today Myanmar tour will introduce you to the tourist destination famous Myanmar.

Ancient Temple Ananda — Bagan: Under the sun soon shone red brick color of the land while the ancient city. Htilo Mininlo, temples and exquisite superficial world was built by King Zeya Theinkha. In the will of his father, who is most deserving Theinkha. But to be fair, he has chosen a successor throne of the royal tradition that is using white umbrella: Umbrella will be placed between the prince and umbrella leaning toward someone, that person will be selected.

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Ancient Temple Ananda — Bagan: Ananda was named the most beautiful temples in Bagan 4 large gold Buddha statue placed in four directions. Including Buddha statues in the south (Kassapa Buddha) was introduced, that when the Buddha to pray, always smiled so kindly be serene. Four Buddha built in four directions are the Buddha has achieved Nirvana. Sulamani is the temple was built in 1183. King Narapatisithu Sulamani was beautifully decorated in the outer wall of the temple, but Sulamani different from other temples in the paintings are exquisitely decorated on the wall, ceiling inside the temple. When you step into the temple thousands of years old, which will feel like leaving the dust on the outside of the gate, temporarily forget that the human world Temple Dhammayangyi the temple has the largest area of ​​Bagan cubes pyramid tower.

A place hard to ignore the

particular temple spire like no other temples. By King Narathu (Kalagya Min) for the building in 1167 after killing his father. Narathu seize the throne and the red brick building with no circuit earthenware mortar. Legend has it that the temple be built without completing causality by which Narathu cause, which also explains why it does not have a tip as the other temples. Is the highest temple in the land of wind dust, Thatbyinnyu impressed by the array of painted brick time ancient moss. From the distance, the temple boasts outstanding stretched between Bagan plains ancient land. Shwesantaw popular with tourists come here not because of the architectural masterpieces that where this is the most beautiful place to sit and watch the sunset and dawn a new day.

Ancient Temple Ananda — Bagan: Tourists come here often to sit in a corner of the house to look at the horizon, waiting for the new day sunshine in peace. You should also take a boat up the river to look towards the temple Ayeyyarwardy Bupaya to have a different perspective on the ancient Bagan. Bupaya restored after the big earthquake in 1975. Wat Nochanthar near Ananda Temple architectural style characteristic of Myanmar, designed harmony between bricks, wooden roofs and moss colors full time. Nochanthar nestled under palm blue line to create a peaceful setting to strangers. Golden Pagoda Shwezigon is golden Shwedagon pagoda original in Yangon. Other than the magnificent magnificent Shwedagon Shwezigon brings a sense of peace despite vast. Legend

