An Open Letter to Feminists

James Dalman
9 min readNov 28, 2023

At the risk of putting myself in the crosshairs of women everywhere, I’m going to open up a discussion I truly hope is healthy and beneficial — not volatile or confrontational.

The topic of feminism can be dangerous territory to explore, especially for a man. But I believe it’s an honest discussion we must have together.

This may be a lengthy post so I hope you will stick with me.

Why am I willing to risk myself by doing this?

I have not been ignorant to the facts of inequality and the large scale abuse of women. There is no denying it exists.

Unfortunately it would take a lot of writing to share how I’ve witnessed atrocious and violent acts towards women from all walks of life, as well as their unfair or misogynist treatment for decades.

But it is because of my daughter’s recent stories of her horrific encounters with men, personally and professionally, that prompted me to dig deeper.

So for the past couple of months I’ve done my best to learn more about the feminist movement, while trying to understand the hardships so many women continue to face on a daily basis.

As a man I will never fully grasp the challenges. It is impossible.

