Writing on Medium. Is it Really Worth It?

James Dalman
3 min readDec 16, 2023

It’s been six months now since I’ve committed most of my time to writing exclusively on Medium.

This journey started as an experiment, one that would be solely focused on crafting my writer’s voice relating to the topics of culture and life, rather than just another business blog.

I also wanted to see how Medium compared to WordPress, Ghost, and my Substack newsletters, knowing that each platform has their pros and cons.

Digital creators who want to be highly successful should always explore the options to see what generates the best ROI for their goals before firmly planting a flag on any platform.

Besides, it totally sucks when you have to try and move tons of content and find that the export and import tools are often useless.

When I decided to write on Medium I only had a few goals:

  1. Find my authentic voice as a cultural writer.
  2. See what content generates the most interest from readers.
  3. Test the platform for any value or benefits.

Increasing follower count and making passive income were not my objectives. I simply wanted to write for people not popularity.

So has my experiment been worth it?

