Five Reasons You’ll Never Make Six Figures from Passive Income

James Dalman
5 min readDec 20, 2023

If you’ve been dreaming about making six figures of passive income from an online business, it’s time to get prepared for the difficult road ahead.

It’s nice to believe the fantasies people like Tim Denning writes about, but I promise you, the advice to just “create a service or community to make 6-figures online as a one-person business in 2024” is absolute bullshit.

Unless you’re really fucking lucky compared to the one million other people doing the same exact thing as you.

But maybe you do happen to fart magical unicorns and rainbows.

If that’s the case, ignore all my real world advice and go frolicking through the woods to collect your wheelbarrows of cash instead.

Do you know why so many of these online pied pipers have so many followers hanging onto every note of their music? Because they sell the magic bean and unfortunately people want a magic bean!

  • Follow the blueprint.
  • Write great content.
  • Build a mailing list.
  • Sell your subscription.
  • Watch money appear.
  • Rinse and repeat.

The online game isn’t hard they say. Just follow the yellow brick road while…

