My Love and Hate Relationship with Medium

James Dalman
4 min readFeb 18, 2024
Yin and Yang with fire locked in battle

I’ve been mostly silent on Medium lately mostly because of the influx of how to make money articles permeating this platform. It just makes me want to vomit profusely seeing more ideas on how to grow our influence or maximize our potential as writers. 🤮

Hell, I’ve even been guilty of it myself — trying to capitalize on the monetary gold rush of creating content that sells people the dream of making passive income from writing here. #ImSoSorry

There’s nothing wrong with trying to show others how to build their own online businesses, but there is a wrong way to do it, which is 98% of the writers here on Medium. Most of what people say is just regurgitated bullshit that will never get you any closer to financial freedom than buying a magic bean from someone you don’t know on the street.

I’ve shared my feelings about this numerous times so it really shouldn’t come as a shock to some of you.

This insane focus on making money with Medium is mostly why I’ve stepped back from being online here. But there’s also another reason why I’ve been silent.

