Why Unibright may be a hidden gem

James Dean
5 min readMar 7, 2018


Unibright (UBT)

“A unified framework for blockchain based business integration.”

Summary Breakdown

ERC-20? Yes

Type of Token: Utility

Presale Dates: TBA

Public Dates: April 8th


My spreadsheet for top rated ICO’s

Token Metrics

Public Price: $.14

Presale Price:

Hardcap: 13,542,375

Total Supply: 150,000,000

Supply Sold: 100,500,000

Token Distribution: 67% investors, 12% liquidity reserve, 9% seed, 6% founders, 6% token sale cost

Token Allocation: 50% platform dev, 20% template generation

Founder Token Lockup: 12mo lockup in a multisig wallet

Misc. Token Mentions: will not be mined

What do they do

Integration of business processes is important and currently done so by various cloud services, ftp etc but riddled with issues. Unibright (UB) plans on business integration using blockchain that will create a secure, reliable, conformable, guaranteed execution, and money/asset transfer between businesses. Not to mention blockchains trustless immutable properties. UB plans on bringing business integration into the 21st century by creating a visual framework, a template based simple user interface that no longer requires a high level of understanding of code or blockchain.

Their existing MVP — “UB connector integrates existing IT system landscapes into the blockchain world. The UB connect enables cross blockchain integration.” Unibright started with the Ethereum blockchain but plans on adding Hyperledger, NEM, and others as time progresses. Their visual based template system requires all that you do is select the desired templates, then a smart contract automatically generates and can be shared across various blockchains. Only their token can be used to generate and maintain smart contracts within the framework. Their token is also the only payment option for additional services.

Unibright is essentially doing for blockchains what Wordpress did for websites.

SWOT Analysis/Competition

Strength: A spin off of SPO, An existing company with many close partnerships, including microsoft. There is plenty of space for competition in this growing field of b2b integration via blockchain. An early adopter in bringing blockchains benefits to mainstream business. A strong team with active members in the community. Existing clients ready to use their finished product as well as new fortune 500 companies expressing interest.

Weakness: I am not a fan as tokens being used as payment for services. And the marketing can be improved dramatically. Hype and media attention is low but will follow soon with their increased interest in advertising. There are no bounties which limit its wildfire spread but I respect that.

Opportunities: They are very much under the radar at the time of this article. They could improve their presence with more involvement by the community. How do they do that you say, without bounties…Make it fun, have challenges and events, hold more meetups and AMA’s, but hey rewards in financial gain are always welcome.

Threats: There competitors in the blockchain b2b integration area, but not directly competing. Each plan on doing something different. This space isn’t crowded at the moment and I feel this is a unique service which will contribute greatly to its short term success.

Competition: Proxeus-labeled as the word press for blockchain -has been compared to UB however they do slightly different things. Seems they are creating a platform more focused on web and gui aspects as UB wants to create a smart contract generator without having to be a programmer.. Crowd machine is more of a competitor but aimes to replace many existing business processes as UB seeks to integrate blockchain. The biggest threat and competitor at this point in time is IBM Business Process Manager(BPM). Same concept but main difference is Unibrights framework includes cross-chain interoperability while as IBM will use just their blockchain.

Centralized/Decentralized: Will not publish their code in Github as they are a software program that will connect to various blockchains of your choosing. They will however show examples of working code on their website soon.

Prototype: Yes. UB connector is an existing working product. But for their entire framework scope, there will not be a public beta til Q2/Q3 2018.


Team Member: A team with 20+ years in business integration. A spin off from SPO. I particularly like that their founders not only have a technical background, but also worked together previously at SPO. A very strong and knowledgeable team.

Advisors: They have a solid team of advisors as well, all experts in their respected field. I don’t feel it is the strongest support but they all have defined roles as advisors which I do like. Some of these advisors are seed investors for Unibright so it’s in the best interest they succeed.


Partnerships: Has received a lot of interest from both existing and new customers. Unibright is partnered with various companies such as ambisafe, not to mention in Microsoft’s family network. They are currently trying to develop a closer relationship with Microsoft.


Does not have a link or code in github. They plan on publishing their work later, but not fully share it. With that being said will not pursue a Patent. They are still relatively under the radar but with more exposure and marketing, this project will gain hype. They have active support in telegram, reddit, bitcointalk etc.


Timeline: A long storied roadmap with proven accomplishments dated back to 2000 with SPO. UB has taken existing components into building their visual template based framework for integrating businesses with blockchain. They have a history for meeting their goals therefore I do not see this established company(spin off) pull an exit scam.


Long term: Bullish

Short term: Very Bullish

Positive Takeaways

-A spin off of SPO

-Partnered with Microsoft and few large clients expressing interest

-Plans on connecting various blockchains, not just Ethereum

-Certain components of their framework are working and will have a public beta available q2/q3

-Ideal token sale metrics

Negative Takeaways

-No noticeable redflags but some concerns

-Not open sourced

-Utility tokens used as payment for services are not ideal.

So in Summary…

why am I excited for this product? This project has a real market, a real product, real partners, and real customers. Not just speculation but real world use with existing and new clientele ready to utilize the benefits of blockchain through their simplified user interface that connects all facets of their workflow. Considering their ideal token sale coupled with a small hard cap, partnerships, customers, and an early mover with their differentiated product, UB has high growth potential. It scored an 85% and top 2 on my spreadsheet so I feel this is a solid investment long term.


the ever elusive

James Dean

Investor and blockchain enthusiast that researches, analyzes and reviews alternative Investments.

