10 Things You Should Never Buy Used

James Richards
2 min readApr 17, 2019



Due to the rate of infant death, safety standards were changed when it comes to baby cribs. Buying a used baby crib increases the likelihood that you will end up with a recalled baby crib. If you have access to the original sales info, it will be hard to tell if what you are buying matches regulations.

Car seats

For safety reasons, buying used car seats is discouraged. This is because the durability of a used seat is in question as it may have been exposed to elements that are harsh or accident. Then again, safety standards have improved which used seats may not conform to.


Do not buy a used helmet no matter what purpose you need it for. Its protective ability could be unreliable if it has been involved in an accident at one time or the other.


Avoid putting your money on a computer that has been used. You have no idea of the length of usage and if you are not tech savvy, determining the level of damage that the computer has suffered will be difficult. Laptops are usually more abused since they are carried around most often. However, you may invest in refurbished computers.

Digital cameras

Second-hand digital cameras have suffered some level of abuse too. You can hardly determine how well is being cared for by just looking at it.


For comfortable shoes, while reducing back pain significantly, do not buy used shoes when you visit the thrift store. This is because shoes usually conform to the feet of the original owner.


At thrift stores, you get to see use mascara, eyeshadows, and more. Also, they are rampant on the internet. Avoid buying them as they may come with scary bacteria or put you at risk of disease.


If you buy a used mattress, you will end up with a lumpy bed which will prevent you from sleeping comfortably. So, avoid them too, also, prevent health issues.

Stuffed animals

These items may come with allergens and most likely dust mites. Then again, they may come with regulation issues. To avoid buying a recalled toy, simply go for a new one.


This is totally gross and shouldn’t be an option. Even if you can get rid of accumulated bacteria or germs with the use of bleach, as well as, a good wash with hot water would you really want to be found in the underwear of someone else?

