Why you Should Support Bitnation

James Fennell Tempelhof
2 min readMar 25, 2018


When Galileo had the temerity to tell the powers that be that the Earth orbited the Sun, he caused a crisis of faith. They, the most well meaning guardians of the faith, locked him up for breaking God’s given rules. Of course the Earth continued to orbit the Sun, oblivious to poor old Galileo’s trials and tribulations.

If you are wondering where I’m going with this, we had a bad first day of our ICO. And, I’m imagining that Galileo, or Satoshi, would have had a bad day too, for claiming that science or economists had missed the point.

I say this because my wife had a remarkable idea which turned the world upside down, just like Galileo and Satoshi. That instead of all us people orbiting the state, perhaps the state is orbiting us. And despite the obvious truth of this, we are afraid to imagine it. Largely because the guardians of the faith might try to lock us up, as they did poor old Galileo, and they would have done to Satoshi, had he not been too smart for them.

To be clear, most of us live our lives without much government interference — we don’t have culinary commissars at the dinner table or sartorial senators deciding what clothes we pick out in the morning. They do send us brown envelopes demanding money for things we don’t need or use, for the good of a society they can’t explain and we don’t understand.

We have our own orbits, we live in them every day, we cherish them, and our world is made of them. Yet the guardians of the state claim we must rotate around their brown envelopes because without them we will descend into barbarism. And they put us in trains and gas us in camps to prove how barbarous we can be.

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof may not be Galileo or Satoshi — but she has had the courage to create a practical way in which we do not have to rotate around a state. Or submit to an imaginary society which the state itself does not understand and is obsessively attempting to construct — usually with tanks and bombs.

In her world we can just be who we are, without worrying about who everyone else is for the sake of a society we don’t know and understand. The absurd is replaced by the normal everyday lives we live for one another, which in my humble opinion, is what we really want.

Supporting her, and Bitnation, is like supporting Galileo. It is not easy, but it is the right thing to do.

