What Billy Meier told us about the Universe, according to a Mr. Pang born in Hong Kong

On Sunday, 16 December 2018, he wrote down the notes taken from the public seminars from August 2018 to December 2018:

Billy Meier is a German Swiss, born on 3 February 1937 and will die in 2029 as told by the extraterrestrial beings who come from the Plejaren galaxy, which is about 450 light-years from the Earth.

Billy Meier met the extraterrestrial beings at an age of 5 for the first time. He was prophesied to loss one of his arms and it was later found truth after a car accident in Turkey at his twenties. He then met the extraterrestrial beings at a frequency of about 2 to 4 weeks. Till now, about 708 contact reports were made in Swiss German. The extraterrestrial beings told him that human beings have the same ancestors as they have. All beings in the universe in the form of spirits are undergoing evolution to become more God-like. They are more civilized as the average age of their spirits is 40 million years whereas the spirits of human beings on Earth are only 10 to 12 million years old.

Human beings on Earth mainly came from other planets about 300,000 years ago where the indigenous people of the Earth were less civilized and were killed by the foreigners. The extraterrestrial beings have their own language and alphabets which look like Hebrew, Sanskrit and ancient German. Their facial appearance looks like white Nordic or Caucasian. And, the Chinese races came to the Earth from another planet about 23,000 years ago. The Earth is the 9th planet that the Chinese races reside in this Milky Way.

1999.07.03 Typical Nordic people in a Saturday Fun Fair at Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland

In 1975, Billy was brought to a Mother Ship of the extraterrestrial beings parked at Saturn and he took some photos in negative films. It is 17 km in diameter with a capacity of 140,000 beings. There are also Immigration Ships which are 120 km in diameter with a capacity of 1 million. They are parked on orbitals and will be used to move 500 million people from one planet to another in 28 years in case disaster happens in a particular planet.

There are 7 trillion civilizations like human beings on Earth in the entire Universe. There are less than 4 million civilizations in our Milky Way.

The Henoch (Enoch in the English Bible) prophecies were told by Henoch verbally in 9538 BCE. Henoch, which means the Wise Man of Time or the Man who walks with God, lived on Earth from 9308 to 8942 BCE. Revelation in the Bible was the extract from the Henoch prophecies but was not recorded accurately due to verbal transmission. This is recorded in Billy Meier’s Contact Report No. 251. In this report, the prophecies from 1949 CE to 3600 CE are exemplified.

According to the Plejaren extraterrestrial beings, the best population that the Earth can sustain is only 529 million. But now the population is approaching 9 billion (much more than the official statistics) and disasters are inevitable.

The Mathematics of this Universe

The Golden Number Phi (Φ) = 1.618 is calculated from the Kepler’s triangle: 1² + (√Φ)² = Φ²

The extraterrestrial beings found that:

Circumference of Circle A = 4 x perimeter of Square B; and

Circumference of Circle B = 4 x perimeter of Square C.

Calculation of the value of Pi (π)

2 π × (Φ ∕ 2) = 4 √Φ

Therefore, π = 4 /√Φ = 4 /√1.618 = 3.1446, which is different from the value calculated from calculus by Isaac Newton (1642–1727 CE) as 3.1415926.

It is because of the wrong calculation of the value of Pi (π), human beings on Earth predict that the asteroid Apophis will not hit the Earth. But according to the extraterrestrial beings, the asteroid will hit Central Europe on 13 April 2036 at about 11 am.

The Golden Number (or Golden Ratio) was used to build the pyramids about 73,000 years ago by the extraterrestrial beings from Orion (獵戶座). There are altogether three pyramids on Earth: Giza in Egypt; one buried in Gobi Desert; one in the sunken Atlantis in Bermuda Triangle. The current one in Giza was the third reconstruction in about 4500 BCE by Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Original height of the pyramid should be 152.955347 m; 1 billion times of which is one Astronautic Unit (AU) which is the farthest distance between the Sun and the Earth on the elliptical orbital. One AU is an important universal constant as other planets in the solar system are located on the orbitals in multiples of this unit. 1 AU = 152.955347 x 10⁹ m = 152,955,347,000 m = 152,955,347 km

According to the extraterrestrial beings, there are 280 (w) elements in this Universe. The speed of light is calculated as c = w x 7 x 1 AU ÷ 1 million = 280 x 7 x 152.955347 x 10³ = 299,792,480 m/s = 2.998 x 10⁸ m/s. 7 is another constant number.

There is no infinity (∞) in the Universe, as all space are finite, measurable and divisible.

Seven Fundamental Forces of this Universe

· Gravitational Force;

· Electromagnetic Force;

· Strong Nuclear Force;

· Weak Nuclear Force;

· Dark Matter Force (unknown to human beings);

· Dark Energy Force (unknown to human beings);

· Fluidal Energy Force and Human Spirit (unknown to human beings).

Wrong perceptions by human beings on Earth:

1. Gravitational Force is of an electromagnetic nature with two equal but opposing forces; gravity wave electromagnetic radiation travels at c = 280 x 7 x 1 AU; the cause for gravity is related to the warmth of the planet/star in relation to the coldness of the space; it is also related to the density of the objects.

2. Strong Nuclear Force is related to the binding of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus and the force is not constant and undergoes decay.

Human beings have not yet discovered the following:

1. Dark Matter Force refers to the universal binding force of the basic fabric at sub-atomic level

· At the first level, there are protons, neutrons and electrons;

· At the lower levels, there are quarks, sub-quarks, etc.;

· At the sixth lower level, there are Higgs bosons (God Particles) which undergo rapid creation and decay into other particles;

· At the seventh lowest level, there are nodes of the basic fabric in the Universe. The nodes are places for accumulation or creation of matter in the Universe.

· Another seven layers further down are negative space and negative time, which Fluidal Energy (Human Spirit) works.

2. Dark Energy Force is the universal centrifugal force which is responsible for the current expansion of the Universe. The current expansion starts at the Centre of the Universe called the Central Creation Core (or Central Sun) which is double-helix in shape with diameter of 7 light-years. The Universe undergoes expansion in 311.1 trillion years which is called one Great Time (GT). 7 Great Time equals to one Eternity. 7 Eternity equals to one All Time Great.

3. Fluidal Energy (same as Human Spirit) travels at c x 10⁷⁰⁰⁰ and works in the negative time and negative space. This is not the normal electromagnetic force. For normal electromagnetism, similar polarities repel each other and opposite polarities attract each other. For fluidal energy, it is the opposite — similar polarities attract each other and opposite polarities repel each other. They are negative masses.

The concept of time

In one complete electromagnetic wave of a light photon which travels at speed c.

c = frequency f x wavelength λ

Electromagnetic Wave

For frequency f = 1 Hz; wavelength λ = 1.47 x 10-²⁴ m

If sufficient energy is input to break the light photon, the number of chronons (time particles) will be

Number of chronons = 2.998 x 10⁸ ∕ 1.47 x 10-²⁴ = 2 x 10³².

Therefore, the basic unit of time = 1 ∕ 2 x 10³² = 5 x 10-³³ second.

And, one unit of chronon occupies one unit of space which equals to λ = 1.47 x 10-²⁴ m.

At the beginning at time, light travels at 147c. It is in the first dimension.

Number of chronons in the first dimension = 147 x 2.998 x 10⁸ ÷ 1.47 x 10-²⁴ m = 2.998 x 10³⁴.

All the 280 elements at this stage is very stable.

It decays at a half-life of 6.34 trillion years. Hence, 6.34 trillion years after the beginning of time, half of the light travels at 73.5c, which is in the second dimension, while the remaining half is still in the first dimension.

Number of chronons in the second dimension = 73.5 x 2.998 x 10⁸ ÷ 1.47 x 10-²⁴ m = 1.499 x 10³⁴.

Some elements become unstable in the second dimension.

It decays again at a half-life of 6.34 trillion years again. Hence, 12.68 trillion years after the beginning of time, 25% of light travels at 36.75c, which is in the third dimension. 50% of light travels in the second dimension, and 25% of light travels in the first dimension.

Number of chronons in the third dimension = 36.75 x 2.998 x 10⁸ ÷ 1.47 x 10-²⁴ m = 7.495 x 10³³.

It decays again at a half-life of 6.34 trillion years again. Hence, 19.02 trillion years after the beginning of time, 12.5% of light travels at 18.375c, which is in the fourth dimension. 12.5% of light travels in the first dimension; 25% of light travels in the second dimension; 25% light travels in the third dimension.

Number of chronons in the fourth dimension = 18.375 x 2.998 x 10⁸ x 1.47 x 10-²⁴ m = 3.7475 x 10³³.

The decay did not follow a continuous function or a step function due to the time-space quake as a result of clashes of Black Holes.

The decay will go on until some light travels at a speed lower than the ordinary sound wave, which is 311.1 trillion years after the beginning of time. Then the Universe will stop expanding and begin to contract and shrink.

At the beginning of time, it is from the Creation which is 7 light-years in diameter in double helix form that spins out the whole universe. The non-personal universal consciousness became fragmented and the broken pieces became spirits of living creatures, including human beings. Human spirits were generated from the beginning of time for 155 trillion years.

The pattern follows the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics (the Law of Entropy or the Law of Orderly Disorder).

Time travel

There are two ways to do the time travel:

1. The fluidal energy (human spirit) can travel at a speed of c x 10⁷⁰⁰⁰ which can reach the entire universe within a short time.

2. Change the time status of the objects: adding chronons (time particles) to the objects will displace them to the past; removing chronons (time particles) from the objects will push them to the future.

The extraterrestrial beings can do both and some of the space-crafts can do the time travel by changing the time particles of the space-crafts and the beings inside.

Origin of Earth Human Races from Contact Report No. 236/700 posted on 5 May 2016

Billy: I actually still wanted to talk to you and ask you some questions about that. But now, you have talked about it in detail, so I really have nothing more to say or ask. — But something else: can you tell me, which is the oldest and which is the youngest people on the Earth, if one excludes from the Earthlings those who were created on the Earth?


191. The first three peoples who first came to Earth were simultaneously the red ones, the brown ones and the white ones.

192. But even of these, only the ones of normal growth.

193. That was about 22,000,000 years ago, as the Destroyer had done its work of destruction in the Lyran home systems.

194. The ones of other colors only then came very much later to Earth, as well as colossi, giants, titans and the dwarfed, as well as naturally developed beings, as well as dwarves, among others, from which very much later, that is to say, only about 21,000 years ago, their late descendants settled on the shores of the SANURA LAKE and lived there until the embankment broke in the western part of the lake and everything was washed away.

195. The shore upon which the approximately 40 cm [16”] tall dwarf beings lived was located, at that time, exactly there where the Semjase Silver Star Center stands today.

196. The differently colored ones who subsequently came to Earth were exclusively very strongly dark-skinned and established themselves in that land which today is the continent of Africa, from where they then spread out further, some to Australia and New Zealand and others to various other locations.

2006.05.29 Pitjantjatjara Anangu, the very dark-skinned aboriginal people in the area regard Uluru as a sacred site; picture of Uluru (white men named it as Ayers Rock in 1873 CE) taken in early morning inside the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, in the southern part of Northern Territory in central Australia

197. The yellow peoples — the Chinese and the Japanese — are the youngest inhabitants of the Earth, because their appearance on this planet was only a little more than one cosmic age ago, and indeed, seemingly exactly 25,978 years ago.

1983.10.09 Chinese and Japanese are the youngest inhabitants of the Earth — he and his Japanese friend in front of Meiji Shrine (Meiji Jingu) in Tokyo, the capital of Japan

198. They came here from the planet NISAN in the neighborhood of LASAN in the Lyra system.

199. But before that — and this was only discovered in recent years — they lived on the other side of the Sun on a planet with the name KUDRA, in a solar system that was named the NISAN system.

200. They came to the Lyra system and to Nisan 2,400,000 years ago because they had to emigrate as a consequence of overpopulation.

201. And they found the way to our original home planet by means of an old Lyran great expedition flotilla, which journeyed to the other side of the Sun and to the planet Kudra in the Nisan System, and there again encountered the yellow peoples.

Billy: Aha, and where, then, is this other side of the Sun? If I am correctly informed, then by the Sun, you do not mean our Sun, and also not a sun in the old Lyran system; rather, you speak of that sun that we know as the central sun of our Milky Way?


202. That corresponds with the facts, yes.

Billy: Our scientists of astronomy say that the central Milky Way sun is about 45,000 light years away from us. But you have explained to me that this is an erroneous calculation and mistaken assumption, as the real distance amounts to 10,000 light years fewer.


203. Our distance data are certain.

204. The Sol system, outside the Milky Way, constitutes something like an enclave because it floats as a single system far outside a spiral arm.

205. The distance to calculate from there to the middle of the central sun is 35,002 light years.

206. A distance of 79,471 light years is measured from there to the Nisan system which floats on the outer end of one of the solar systems on the other side of the Milky Way’s opposing spiral arm.

Billy: Thanks. One of us has wanted to know these data for a long time already.


207. There is no reason that you must thank me.

Human beings in the Universe — supplemented by Mr. Pang on Saturday, 9 February 2019

1. Sadrian (master race but extinct) created by Nokodemion and it existed 29.5 to 12 billion years ago and degenerated 20 to 12 billion years ago.

2. Old Lasan (master race) existed in 8.0 to 1.2 billion years ago and it split into Old Lyrian (天琴星) and Old Sirian (天狼星) lineages; 26 million years ago Lyren Galaxy was pushed into Old Lasan leading to discovery and settlement on Lyra and Vega Systems.

3. Old Lyrian (master race) created a huge empire of 1000s planets 22 million years ago; they were titans up to 30 feet tall (2,000 years old); they discovered the Earth and Malona; there were three kinds of people: red, brown and white at that time; every 10,000 year a civil war within the planet and repeat from stone age to high technology civilizations.

4. Old Lyrian developed into Plejaren Race 26 million years ago; they have blue eyes and blond hairs

5. Sirian Race who also have blue eyes and blond hairs existed 70 million years ago; 22 million years ago they reached peace-loving state too fast and lost the capacity to defense themselves. They created 7 new warrior races: Chinese, Japanese, 2 white, 1 red, 1 brown and 1 black Genetically Manipulated Races (GMR) that carry sin by (1) modifying the X-chromosome to live 100 years old (from 1,000 years old); (2) possessing aggressive gene; and (3) got sick easily.

6. Kinten (Chinese) and Nipper (Japanese) — two yellow GMR — 20 million years ago they escaped and settled on a distant solar system — Planet Kundra (79,471 light year from the center of Milky Way) which is the first planet they settled.

16 million years ago, Old Lasan expedition fleet discovered them and brought 4,000 people back to Lasan Alliance of Planets in Lyra System.

6.7 million years ago, its population grew from 4,000 to 20 billion and they occupied 5 planets in the Lasan Alliance of Planets in Lyra System.

6.7 million years ago, 38,000 Kinten and Nipper migrated to the northeast part of the Earth but the migration failed; over-population on Planet Kudra led to billions of Kinten and Nipper massive inter-stellar migration; billions of people began endless voyages throughout the universe.

2.4 million years ago, huge population on Planet Kudra made it becoming inhabitable; Lasan Alliance of Planets gave two additional planets to Kinten and Nipper.

2.4 million years ago, early migrants from Planet Kudra migrated to the Planet Earth; they were left without technical accomplishment and transport; 418,000 Kinten and Nipper moved to Planet Nissan.

In 23,985 BCE, 680,000 Kinten and Nipper migrated from Planet Nissan to the Planet Earth under a referendum free of any technology to find a new beginning to guard against the recurrence of the over-population problem; but they had high technology by memory.

From 23,985 to 10,000 BCE, after Kinten and Nipper reached the nowadays China on the Planet Earth, the native people died out due to incompetence. They took over the Sanxingtui (三星堆) ancient civilizations.

In 2022 CE, Kinten (Chinese) and Nipper (Japanese) will unite against the USA.

7. Two Sirian Overlord — 5 GMR settled on Planet Mars of the solar system in 6 to 12 million years ago. Mars was a green planet and they built pyramids. They also migrated to Planet Malona in the Solar System, now broken down into pieces.

8. Native people on the Planet Earth evolved in 10 million years ago

120 million years ago, human beings witnessed the Planet Earth during the Non-Henoch period.

8–12 million years ago, first human life forms appeared in Egypt, Malta and Sicily.

4.8–8 million years ago, first human life forms appeared on Planet Earth.

4.5 million years ago, original genuine terrestrial human beings appeared on Planet Earth.

2 million years ago, original Ur-Ur Man (Homo erectus) appeared in China.

1.5 million years ago, Earth indigenous human (Homo erectus) appeared.

500,000 years ago, Earth indigenous human developed tools.

387,000 years ago, Inter-stellar migrants from Lyra and Vega Systems.

9. Golden Age of the Planet Earth occurred at the Atlantis period from 131,000 to 13,000 BCE

The Large Atlantis was located between Florida, Bermuda and West Africa.

The Lesser Atlantis was located at Santorini of Greece.

City of Old Atlantis was the City of Troy in now Turkey.

City of New Atlantis was offshore to Gibraltar; and Egypt was part of the Empire of Atlantis.

1994.11.02 The Upper Rock Nature Reserve of Gibraltar with the airport runway at the boundary with Spain in the background

10. Lemurian Races

131,000 BCE — Lyrian leader Muras established the Kingdom of Lemuria and Gigantic City of Mu

131,000 BCE — Mu established the underground city of Agharta Alpha and Beta; now there are still 700 blue races living in Lemuria (which is about one-fourth of Zurich) in the Himalayas.

11. Armenian Races who came from the Stars of Seven Sisters in about 131,000 to 12,000 years ago; their leader Armus led refugees from Plejares to settle on today’s Armenia in Planet Earth.

12. Sumerian Dark Races came from the Stars of Sirius in 131,000 to 12,000 years ago and settled in Sumerian region on the Planet Earth.

13. Orion Races who built the Great Pyramids came in 71,344 to 12,000 years ago.

14. Cherubim Bird Races who built the Inca Empire in South America led by Viracocha (Inca God, 11 feet tall) 13,000 years ago.

1997.01.01 Inca God Viracocha inscription at the Gate of the Sun inside Tiwanaku ruins located between Lake Titicaca and La Paz, the capital of Bolivia in South America; photo taken with an Argentinean student

15. Hyperborean Races who came from Alpha Centaurus

13,000 BCE Bafath failed an attempt coup-de-tat and fled to Alpha Centaurus; Arus I returned and conquered; Arus II (Aryans) conquered India, Pakistan, and Persia and forced the Sumerians to escape from this places.



Discoveries from Vipassana Meditation 透過內觀靜坐的發現

James Wong completed his first 10-day Vipassana Meditation course in Hong Kong on 2011.11.27 and recorded what he found. 黃富榮在2011年11月27日完成第一次內觀靜坐十天課程後,記錄了他的發現。