Are Aluminum Moka Pots Safe?

James Lambert
3 min readNov 11, 2018


With a growing concern related to what we put into our bodies, some have been wondering if brewing coffee in an aluminum moka pot is safe. After all, there have been findings that relate the consumption of aluminum to issues like Alzheimers, Dementia and Anemia.

While the potential for those illnesses does sound frightening, it’s important to consider the real risks that exist with aluminum moka pots. Let’s take a look at what to consider when you’re thinking about buying or replacing an aluminum moka pot!

Risks Related To Aluminum

There are some risks related to aluminum as a whole which are worth keeping in mind. It’s only natural to want to make sure you’re making the best choices to keep your body healthy, and knowledge is power!

Dementia And Alzheimers

The connection between Alzheimers and Dementia in regard to the use of aluminum in cooking is something that scientists are still looking into. However, there is some knowledge that aluminum cooking utensils that have no coating can contribute to the amount of aluminum in certain foods.

While this in itself may not be enough to develop one of these issues, it does increase your intake of aluminum overall.


There can also be a connection between your intake of aluminum and the possibility of anemia. This comes from changes that make it more difficult to absorb iron, which is an important ability in avoiding anemia as a whole.

Consequently, it is a good idea to try to keep our consumption of aluminum at a healthy level. When we use utensils that contribute to aluminum levels, it can be harder to track the amount we’re adding to our bodies, which is worth keeping in mind.

Are Aluminum Moka Pots Dangerous?

One of the important things to keep in mind with these issues is that the addition of aluminum to whatever we’re cooking comes with utensils that have no coatings over the aluminum. When there is a quality coating, it limits the possibility of the aluminum ending up in our food or coffee.

Getting a moka pot with some kind of coating can help to keep you safe. In addition to that, knowing how to take care of an aluminum moka pot and when to replace it can be highly useful. Keep in mind that in time, the coatings on these utensils can wear down as well.

Aluminum Vs. Stainless Steel

If you have strong concerns about aluminum and your health, then it can be a good idea to just try using a stainless steel option. These can often be safer to use, and they tend to hold up longer.

One aspect that people may not like as much when it comes to stainless steel moka pots is that they may not always look as nice as the aluminum options. They can also take a little longer to heat up when compared to aluminum moka pots. However, if health is a major concern then the trade-off may be worthwhile.

Which Is Better?

When it comes to picking a moka pot that is not only the safest, but also the most able to provide delicious coffee, it can be hard to make the choice! There are many who have come to rely on aluminum moka pots and enjoy the results they get from them.

However, the choice is less clear for those with health concerns regarding aluminum. It can really help to get a better idea of the differences between aluminum and stainless steel moka pots. That way, you’ll be primed and ready to choose the best option for your needs!



James Lambert

Owner of Oregon based Gamble Bay Coffee Company - Find out more about me here: