Is Mouth Breathing Ruining Your Life?

How modernity’s mouth breathing has opened a Pandora’s Box of afflictions

James Cussen
7 min readSep 4, 2020


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

“the nose is the silent warrior: the gatekeeper of our bodies, pharmacist to our minds, and weather vane to our emotions.”
Dr. Jayakar Nayak

Do you have trouble getting to sleep? Do you find it hard to focus? Are you sick of getting cavities in your teeth? Tired of headaches? Worried about high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer? Are you fed up with wetting the bed? Does Erectile Dysfunction consistently overcome you? Then you might be a…Mouth Breather.

In his breath-taking odyssey through the parts and paradigms of breathing, James Nestor’s Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art is a treasure trove of mind-blowing insights which will leave you gasping for more. His diagnosis and exploration of the modern malaise of mouth breathing is required reading for every one of us modern decadents.

The story he reveals is a world that is a victim of its own success. Our modern lifestyle is riddled with habits that are slowly but surely eroding our health and undermining our quality of life.

We’re a pack of mouth breathers

Forty per cent of today’s population suffers from chronic nasal obstruction and around half of us…



James Cussen

Philosophy you can live your life by. Editor of The Living Philosophy