Fear of responsibility: what to do with it? Part 2

James Harris
2 min readJul 22, 2024

How to stop being afraid to take responsibility? Fear of liability is a problem that a very large number of my clients have faced. They often came for consultation with another request: difficulties in getting promoted, problems in relationships with a loved one, inability to increase their income, etc. At the heart of these problems was a fear of responsibility.

“We didn’t have a normal relationship with our girlfriend for a long time. She constantly accused me of not being mature enough. I was offended, but then I realized that the reason was my fear of taking responsibility,” says Mikhail

How to deal with the fear of responsibility?

Don’t strive for perfection

Do you know what your fear of taking responsibility indicates? That you strive to achieve an ideal result. In most cases, this is exactly the case. What is the root of the problem? In parenting, when mom and dad expected the highest achievements from you. Clients often admit that their fear of evaluation is based on the lack of parental praise in childhood. Thus, they achieve success throughout their lives, unconsciously wanting to receive the praise of their parents.

“There were three of us in the family: me and two brothers. I constantly strived to achieve the best result in order to receive…



James Harris

Psychology. It's my job to give direction to your life.