Somatic sequelae and cPTSD.

James Harris
3 min readMar 29, 2024

In this article I would like to describe the effects of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on a person’s physical condition. How cPTSD affects physical illness, physical development, and chronic illness.

Complex PTSD is a set of symptoms that result from pain and fear that often begins at a very early age and can fill a person’s entire world. These early experiences shape our understanding of ourselves and the world. Growing up with fear has consequences for all aspects of development — ­cognitive, emotional, and physical.

Unresolved childhood trauma can have a serious impact on physical health, and its effects can be very long-lasting and have a cumulative effect. When we are faced with a stressful situation, our nervous system tries to engage the fight or flight response in an attempt to regain safety and respond to the stressful situation. I suggest looking at the Positive Stress Response and the Toxic Stress Response.

Positive stress response or Healthy stress response: These are reactions that occur in a supportive environment with a loving adult in which the child faces the stress of tolerating separation from a parent. Healthy stress helps our nervous system adapt and cope with stressful situations in the future.

Toxic stress response : ­Ongoing or profoundly traumatic events occur without the support of a loving adult or are caused by an adult. These events are associated with negative consequences for emotional and physical health.



James Harris

Psychology. It's my job to give direction to your life.