Woman plus , woman minus , woman zero in psychoanalysis

James Harris
5 min readFeb 17, 2023

Woman plus , woman minus , woman zero in PSYCHOANALYSIS

Exists in the popular psychology division women on the the following psychotypes :

- PLUS- harmonious woman co healthy self — esteem capable calmly exhibit their borders .

WOMAN — MINUS — owner male ambition , she maybe be proud the fact that herself maybe change wheels off the car , earn more husband in general not worse men and maybe without them live .

WOMAN — ZERO — dependent from presence men , not thinks myself outside partner , creates dependent relationship , living his life .

Let’s try consider origins occurrence these types based on from difference passing oedipal period development personality .

Plus woman , from the point vision psychoanalysis , — woman who _ passed mine oedipal period right .

What means : pass oedipal period right ?

After merging with mother , going out from infancy , girl discovers father . Discovers that _ this is something excellent from mothers . He has another the form life , others quality . His life more interesting . He revolves in society , he has such powerful body and voice . Girl admired their father , she impressed his opportunities . Her I want to also . He seems her perfect…



James Harris

Psychology. It's my job to give direction to your life.