Your roots: why it is important to know where you come from

James Harris
4 min readJul 25, 2023

Why rummage in the past?

After all, life happens in the here and now. Scores of books, psychologists, and mental coaches confirm that mindfulness in the present is one of the greatest sources of happiness. And I also agree with this opinion. But a look in the rearview mirror, especially at where your story began, is still extremely helpful.

Awareness of our roots and their implications in the present can free us from recurring problems and self -doubt . Studies also show that people who know and understand their origins are more self-confident and happier.

Where do you come from?

Most people answer this question by naming their place of birth. In fact, when it comes to our roots, it matters. But above all, our family of origin is essential to understanding our roots. Along with this, the social conditions in which we lived are just as relevant. For example:

  • educational opportunities
  • financial situation (poverty, wealth)
  • the personal environment (or the social network of the parents)
  • Beliefs and expectations of key people (parents, grandparents, teachers…)
  • Learned laws, such as “One does not talk about feelings”…



James Harris

Psychology. It's my job to give direction to your life.