Can anyone sing Opera?

3 min readMay 18, 2022


Written by Jan Lovett

I heard my first live Opera in 1996 (“Turandot” at The Royal Opera House), having been given tickets as a gift. It was a magical experience. Ever since, I’ve listened to Arias and thought: how great would it be if I could sing these beautiful pieces?

“Following the dots” (AKA reading musical scores) was always beyond me, so I believed that I’d never be able to do it. Through personal recommendation, I discovered a wonderful singing teacher who happens to be a Mezzo Soprano — Karina Lucas.I started to learn to read music (and my skills are really basic) when Karina suggested I might like to sing a song, rather than just bash the notes. I asked her if she would teach me an Operatic Aria. She was delighted to and that’s how it started. The more I sang and the more I practised, the more I fell in love with singing Opera.

“Very quickly, I realised that Jan had a wonderful voice and also that Jan’s musicianship was much better than she realised!”

In late 2021 I took up the opportunity to record with James Hawkins Music and then it came to me…I would learn three “classical” pieces and record them. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But I really did have to work hard and put my soul into it.

I started by literally following the dots on the page with my forefinger, through to recording in the studio.

The result? These three beautiful pieces that I love singing. They lift my spirits and make my heart soar.

“It has been an absolute pleasure to teach Jan the classical style; working on breathing and vocal technique and hearing her voice grow and flourish. Jan has a good understanding of her voice and a good ear, so picks up very quickly; but she also works very hard in between lessons to master what she has learnt.”

For those of you who have a dream to sing Opera, but think it’s probably a step too far, I can tell you that you CAN do it. There’s nothing particularly remarkable about me; I’m a very ordinary person. But I had a dream that kept nagging at me to be fulfilled. You can do this too, you know. I think you may surprise yourself at just how much beauty and power you have within you. Opera is not the preserve of the rich and famous; it’s for all of us.

“The most joy for me, though, has been to see how classical music resonates with Jan’s soul and this shines through, with her beautifully expressive phrasing and sensitive delivery of her songs.”

So, grab your dream and run with it. Your dream can become real. You can make it happen and I’m the proof.

Listen and download Jan’s new EP “Jan Lovett Sings Opera” here:

Interested in having a go yourself? Here’s Opera teacher Karina Lucas’s top tips for getting started:

If anyone reads this and feels they would like to try their hand at singing classical music, I would advise finding a good teacher who has studied singing at a reputable music college. Read their biography to gauge their experience and, hopefully, you will find someone that suits. It is important to remember that the voice must always be treated with care, it should never be pushed, so slow and steady is the key! But there are some lovely, simple classical songs to get you started!


Grateful thanks are due to:

Karina Lucas, my wonderful Opera teacher, who believed in me.

James Hawkins Music. James has been my guide and mentor.

I couldn’t have done any of this without having these people on my side and they’ve taken me on a magical journey.

Thank you both.

Jan Lovett

