Foundations for Finding the Best Users for Testing

James Hoss
5 min readFeb 9, 2023

When starting out with a new idea, product, or business it can be challenging to find users that will thoughtfully test your products and give you reasonable unbiased feedback. Finding these users can be the difference between a long period of lackluster results and creating something that catches fire.

This article is for those who want to find a good group that will provide them with the insights they need to move forward. We will go over some of the sources where you can find people who will be able to test out your product. The first category I want to cover is where most people tend to start — which is also a category I want to warn against. I believe that this category can do more harm than good when asking for feedback.

Friends and Family

You most likely already have a personal social network that you can leverage. Given the nature of your relationship with many of the connections you have on social media, this method will most likely get you a lot of responses to your request for feedback. However, this is one channel that I would advise against reaching out to for immediate feedback.

Given your closer personal connection with friends and family, they are more likely to provide you with positively biased feedback. In order words, they will sense your excitement and not…



James Hoss

Sharing everything I have learned from entrepreneurship, startups, productivity to help make your life more interesting.