The Story of Frucket

James Wang
2 min readNov 14, 2014


Frucket is my startup right now. It will be the platform for collaborative bucket list-planning amongst friends.

A little more than 2 years ago, I had just graduated high school. My close group of friends and I knew that we only had one more summer together before we all separated to our respective colleges.

We came up with this epic summer bucket list. Weekend at Alexa’s beach house. Afternoon at Six Flags. Throw a fireworks party. Go fishing on the river. Camping trip in Vermont. Road trip to DC. Spend a day in New York.

It was about to be a pretty epic summer.

Except by the time the last week of August rolled around, we realized that we had got almost nothing done.

I ruminated over this a lot, because it seemed like we talked about doing these plans on our bucket list every week, except when it came to plan or execute, the plans just fell through.

Throughout my first year at Penn, I noticed the same thing occur as well. My friends would make plans to have a BYO, to go to Center City, to visit the PMA, but our ideas never materialized.

Was it because we were all too busy? Was it because we were all too lazy? Or was it because we didn’t have the right tools to make the process easy enough to execute? These are the problems that helped me define the purpose of Frucket.

The kicker for me was in the summer of 2014. It occurred a few weeks before I started my sophomore year at Penn. I was in NYC at my internship, and I realized that I had not seen my close group of high school friends at all this summer. They were busy with their commitments, I was busy with mine, and we talked every day via group messaging. But I barely hung out with them.

It was now that I realized, this might be the norm for the next few years. And as that settled in, I realized the corollary to that revelation would be that we missed a really good chance to make some more meaningful memories together the summer after high school. And as I looked back on my freshman year, I could say the same as well. My closest friends were my hallmates, but now in my sophomore year, we are all living and hanging out in our different dorms and frats/sororities.

Frucket’s mission is to help friends create more meaningful memories together, while they are still in the same place at the same time. No more missed opportunities due to the status quo technology.

Frucket is a platform that integrates an intuitive bucket-list completion process with helpful planning tools that gives everyone in your friend group the opportunity to collab and participate in the event planning process.

We plan to release our next beta by Thanksgiving 2014. Join our listserv at to be one of the first to test it!


