Scientologist receiving Major Department of Defenses Contracts proof of Subcontractor for CIA and FBI Intel Service Workers

Dra. James Joseph Capers
3 min readMar 11, 2018


This is Jon Adler who over sees all of the Grants distributed Global wide for the United States Justice Department. Mr. Adler has presently sits as an advisory Board Member for the Scientologist Programs and has publicly promoted these programs. I make claims that the Scientologist operate multiple businesses out of their 501 c 3 Mom-Profit Religious program to steal government contracts and public funds. These people are dangerous and Homeland Security, FBI and CIA have allowed them to do “Human Experimentation upon innocent American Citizens while being funded by the United States Government.” This people are guilty of murder and Psychological warfare upon American citizens. They run intel services upon Social Chat sights that target innocent people and harm them, while under contract of the United States Government. Steven Bannon Now sits upon the Executive Board of the Scientologist-

Jon Adler who now works as Assistant Director in the Justice Department has become a shield for the Scientologist and has openly supported their programs which other Professional Medical programs have debunked. Mr. Adler scars me, the Department of Defense providing large amounts of funding to a Church Organization who believes in “Dead Aliens,” as their God. A proven fact of the their conduct towards individuals whom where former members of sexual abuse, physical abuse, brain washing, behavioral modification, tracking, stalking, seeking inside government job positions to gain control over confidential top secret documentations to use against the United States Government- Manipulate files and gain access to cause distress to targeted victims. We must stop these people from gaining powers within the government. My personal discernment concludes that for the last 30 years the Scientologist have gained Executive Positions within the Department of Defense and the United States Justice Department in order to control, grow, destroy and to protect themselves from outside discoveries. Jon Adler is living proof of their successful placements of work personals whom support this occult.

I do not want to be ruled by David MisCaviage, whom is a complete control freak. I suggest and order: A complete investigation of the Department of Defense and their contractual dealings with the Church of Scientology. I order a Congressional probe into the multiple government contracts which have been disturbed to the Church of Scientology, a long with other programs which has been established under fictions names created solely by the Scientologist to receive government grants. I so order that an in house probe be made to investigate top level leaders inside of the Justice Department, Department of Defense and CIA and FBI those who are within Executive Position who are Scientologist and have access to Top Levels of Security Clearances.

I order a Full Senate Investigation regarding government contracts being used to fund The Church of Scientology and a delegation of funding submitted of $80 Millions to undercover corruption and crimes which are being committed by this group and the cover ups of this organization. I order a public disclosure of the Justice Department to show clear signs of investigation- connecting this group to the Russian investigation- That this group served as a Intel group upon the internet posing as Russians Intel services-



Dra. James Joseph Capers

A true Medium or Doctor Practitioner show evidence of who they are and the evidence which is presented at the table must be scientific data-