Regularly checking the residual-current device

James Kimsi
3 min readFeb 7, 2018


A residual-current device has an extremely important function. It instantly works in the event of a current leakage, and completely disconnects the consumers from the network, thus protecting people from accidental electric shock. This is relevant both at enterprises and at home. Current leakage can occur, for example, in case of accidental damage to the insulation of the wires or because of a fire. Thus, the importance of a properly functioning RCD is vital.

To make sure that this device is properly functioning, you should regularly check it, and of course, before you install it, you should check if it is working in accordance with the standards of your property. It would be ideal to check it at least once a month.

You do not need to call an electrician to conduct a simple check on your RCD. There are simple ways of checking the serviceability and the parameters of your device.

Method 1

When buying an RCD, you can carry out a test to determine if it is working. This will require a finger battery and a piece of wire. It will be enough to trigger the RCD, connect the battery to the device and make sure battery is not running. RCD should immediately turn off.

Method 2

There is a “TEST” button on the safety shutdown device, which simulates a current leakage at the level of the rated differential current of this device. To press the button does not require special preparation, so this procedure can also be carried out by everyone.

The button is connected to a test resistor integrated into the device, the nominal value of which is selected so that no more than the maximum differential current for this RCD, for example, 30 mA, would flow through it during the test.

Such a check is usually sufficient, and it is recommended to conduct it for prevention once a month, it is not difficult at all.

Method 3

This method requires a light bulb, a resistor, an ammeter and a dimmer, or a rheostat instead of a dimmer. The essence of the method is to adjust the current of the leak simulation to determine the threshold of operation of your RCD.

A circuit consisting of a light bulb and a resistor (resistors) is connected in series through the rheostat (dimmer) and ammeter to the terminals of the RCD included in the network, namely between the phase output and the zero RCD input. Then gradually increasing the current by means of a rheostat or a dimmer, the current is fixed at the moment of tripping of the RCD.

We hope that the methods described in this article for checking the device of a protective shutdown will help you solve this problem. Anyone who knows how to handle a multimeter and is familiar with the safety rules can easily implement any of the methods described above. However, it is not superfluous to remind: never neglect safety techniques, it is better to spend time and energy for reliable installation of all circuits, without regretting any forces, tapes, or even solder, than paying with injuries or even death for negligent installation.




James Kimsi

I’m all about writing. It has been my passion for as long as I remember. I love writing and sharing my thoughts with people who would appreciate.