Following up from Medium’s most popular Neural Network article of 2018

James Loy
3 min readMar 11, 2019


A year ago, I posted my very first article on Medium titled ‘How to build your own Neural Network from scratch in Python’.

Inspired by the many articles I read here, I wanted to contribute to the community by writing a beginner’s guide to Neural Networks in Python. As it was my very first article, I viewed it as a learning experience and I didn’t expect it to be very popular.

Fortunately, I was wrong. Since the article was published, it has been viewed more than 437,000 times, with more than 29,000 claps. It was shared in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and even Y Combinator. It was also curated as one of the most popular machine learning articles of 2018. Due to its popularity, this humble article made it to the front page of Google, and it is among the first few search results for ‘Neural Network’. Many of you have reached out to me, and I am deeply humbled by the impact of this article on your learning journey.

Originally, I intended to follow up my article with more tutorials on neural network projects that are easy for beginners to follow. However, my plans changed when I received an email from Packt Publishing. My article had caught the eye of the editors at Packt, and they offered me the opportunity to be the sole author of the book Neural Network Projects with Python’. Publishing a book has always been a dream of mine. I jumped on the opportunity and never looked back. Today, I am happy to announce that the book has been published!

The book continues where my article left off, and it covers end-to-end implementation of neural network projects in areas such as face recognition, sentiment analysis, noise removal etc. Every chapter features a unique neural network architecture, including Convolutional Neural Networks, Long Short-Term Memory Nets and Siamese Neural Networks. The book contains much more information and details than what I can possibly include in a blog post on Medium. I’m sure that the projects in the book will be helpful to build your Machine Learning portfolio!

You can get the book from Amazon: Neural Network Projects with Python

My personal writing journey does not end with this book! Through this book, I have discovered my passion for writing and for sharing my knowledge in machine learning. I’ll be writing more articles in Medium so do keep a look out for them!

As always, feel free to reach out to me @ LinkedIn!

