Leaving the Stigma behind: Weed Brings about Change

James Manuele
3 min readJun 8, 2018


Back in the day, drugs, of any type, used to be associated with death, overdoses, and deadbeats. The people that came with the word never had a happy ending, never were successful, and let’s be honest, some of them wouldn’t have known what soap was even if it were right in front of them. Let’s think about the most famous cases, Amy Winehouse, Hector Lavoe, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, among others. Most of the drugs still leave that impression on us. But one, in particular, is setting its name apart from the others. It’s gaining fame and its gaining power. Marijuana is one of the most consumed drugs out there, and it’s also one of the less harmful. Yes, all vices are bad and have adverse effects, but you can buy alcohol and cigarettes anywhere you want. Also, cannabis has one big point in favor and it’s that the plant has many beneficial chemicals for people. From being a pain reliever and having anti-inflammatory properties, to skin care and protection, pot may have a good side after all. Though the FDA has approved only two medicaments that have cannabinoids in their compositions, research is still in progress to understand all the chemicals found in the Marijuana plant and their effects on human beings.

Eminent Supporters

With the newly controversial topic of its legalization, many celebrities have stepped forth and announced that they support the use of weed, be it for medicinal properties like Whoopie Goldberg, Michael J. Fox, Morgan Freeman allege, or for recreational purposes like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Jennifer Anniston. Along with the celebrities, designers of any kind have worked hard to make a statement in favor of cannabis. As always, the most beautiful and innovative work is being done in the area of 420-women apparel. It might be unfair to the guys but the truth is that it’s harder for women to look beautiful, elegant, and gorgeous when smoking. It’s a prejudice that has been fought against for decades now.

Cannabis Apparels for Women

There are brands with casual clothing like cannabis strain hats, baggy sweats with marijuana leaves all over them, sweaters with big letters that read cannabis Sativa, what now passes for pothead t shirts also with patterns and letter designs, trippy leggings with psychedelic and neon colors, shoes and even socks. All of them gorgeous and artful. If you’re looking for something that will impress the ever living out of friends in a fancy party you might want to look at the high-end products that are offered. Silver and gold jewelry, as well as watches and glasses that are encrusted with precious stones to turn the marijuana leaf into beautiful designs. You can now show your support with diamond-encrusted cannabis pins. If you’re not only a supporter but also a user, you’ll find brands whose sole purpose is to make you look girly with fruit shaped pipes, patterned rolling paper, and tinted hemp-infused lip balms, or to make you look elegant with 24k necklaces that work as roach clips, gold stash jars, and vaporizers.



James Manuele

I love writing and sharing innovative ideas about recreational and new trends. I have immense interest in the fashion industry and all the upswings of it.