Wear Your Attitude on Your Sleeves with the C-Life Collection

James Manuele
3 min readJul 19, 2018


Being a recreational and medicinal CBD user makes your life easy, but tough, too because people don’t buy your opinion on how marijuana can work wonders for those suffering from health issues. And so when it comes to making a statement, there’s absolutely nothing that will stop you from flaunting your love for the bliss that is cannabis. And as sure as the Sun exists, you have a pair of dope clothing in your wardrobe hidden somewhere away from your mom’s sight maybe? You wear your dope baseball caps to your woke parties where you feel people can be influenced by fashion. And it even works as fashion has been wielded as a powerful weapon to raise awareness about many issues.

There are multiple cannabis clothing brands on the market and they are exactly the reason why you see random guys on the street flashing the Bob Marley T-shirts so ubiquitously. But there’s certainly more to weed than Bob (Yeah, he is the Rasta god, but come on, there are so many other cannabis emotions that need an expression). And so The Cannabis Life decided to come up with a clothing store of their own (they didn’t just want to be Radio Jockeys, you see!).

A Weed Apparel Store, Wait, What?

The founders thought of an interesting idea to get people to know about the benefits of CBD. ‘Let’s see if fashion can do the trick and make people think about the positives of CBD’. And Tada! The cannabis life Apparel store was born.

They feature some really cool collection of what you can call innovative marijuana wear. Each one of the Ts, the Shirts, the shorts, or the dope baseball caps in the collection expresses a sound, strong emotion, and social issues surrounding marijuana that the regular beneficiaries of medicinal hemp find difficult to let go and yet can’t quite explain.

And what is the best way to vent out unexplained emotions? Yeah, stoner outfits guys! The range of clothing featured on the e-store is quite varied in approach and designs. You can find the latest designs in men, women, and children Rasta wear (that sounds, strange, but yes!) exhibited in the dope T-shirts, Weed leaf T-shirts, Dope caps, Scarfs, Weed-leaves shorts and pants, and then BOB graphics, yes! But wait, doesn’t that sound cliché? Like what is new? Every cannabis clothing e-store across the market talks of the same old dope products. What makes the Cannabis Life Co. different?

Why, after all, do we need a whole new weed apparel brand? The Cannabis Life Co. would certainly know the answer.

What’s New

So, there are myriad cannabis clothing brands online. Why would you shop from the cannabis life co., you ask? And fair enough. And here’s the answer- first, Arby is a genius. And he simply didn’t create an apparel brand, but a whole new lifestyle based around the magic of marijuana. Second, because they know what you need. Because there are clothes and there are accessories (just in case you don’t want to overdo your statement).

The Cannabis Life Co. are trying to grant a new definition to the cannabis lifestyle which revolves not just around the style statement that encompasses the Rasta culture but emphasizes more on developing a healthy and accepted point of view about the cannabis lifestyle.

The main difference lies in the ideology of the products. The Cannabis Life Co. aims to bust the stigma that surrounds everything weedy.

When you visit the other cannabis-inspired fashion stores, they are all about making a statement and projecting weed smoking as something very fun and cool that you do when you are a rebel and an outcast. Well, weed doesn’t differentiate if you are indeed a rebel and outcast or a happy social being, and the usual perception of the stoner in that sense is hugely wrong. And that perception is what the Cannabis Life co. is trying to mend by filling the gaps that are present in the weed fashion industry.

The battle involved here is of ideological differences and cultural awareness about the rich legacy of Rasta legends. And don’t get them wrong. It’s all about making and cementing your statements at the same time. What do you call waging your battles in Vogue, eh? That is what Cannabis Life Co defines and upholds.



James Manuele

I love writing and sharing innovative ideas about recreational and new trends. I have immense interest in the fashion industry and all the upswings of it.