The nation split, as e’er mounts and rivers remain.

Jason S. Scott
5 min readAug 29, 2022


Approaching the military tournament, the atmosphere of active preparation before the tournament became more and more dignified. The eyes of the soldiers were full of electric sparks. They were the elites of their own teams. When they saw an opponent who was not inferior to them, they immediately wanted to drag them over to compete. The smell of gunpowder in the air was very strong. It was really like the sound of gunfire on the shooting range that had never stopped for 24 hours. The male soldiers were full of gunpowder. Except for the female soldiers, they all looked at everyone with an uncomfortable expression. On the contrary, the female soldiers had no separation. They gathered together happily like little sisters, gathered in twos and threes, and pointed around. See, that’s the Shandong War Zone, that’s the Henan War Zone, look, that’s Shanxi, the Eighth Route Army! A female soldier, who thought she was well-informed, muttered to several female soldiers on the side. From Shanxi? Is that also called the Eighth Route?! Several female soldiers stared at Li Weidao, who was half leaning against the edge of the tree and dozing off with their eyes closed. That’s what they said. Other soldiers were training in full swing,interactive touch screens education, and they wouldn’t be pulling ligaments on their legs any more. How could they be so lazy to take advantage of the shade? Soldier Ruffian! Look at that. You’re really lazy! “Look, it looks good. This soldier is too bearish. Even non-combatants shouldn’t be like this.” Several female soldiers talked to Li Wei about sex. Li Wei’s ears trembled, and the words of the women soldiers fell into his ears without a word. The magic formula in his body was still running. His way of exercise was common to the soldiers in the first division. Everyone’s training method had its own set of unique tricks. Li Wei yawned and continued to wander. He could not tell the difference between practicing and sleeping. No, they are practicing Qigong! The female soldier that comes from one division heard, hurriedly runs over to defend, let them say to go on,4k smart board, still do not give one division to say more unbearable strange. Come on, little sister, don’t brag. Why do you practice Qigong? Let’s practice sleeping. A female soldier deliberately touched the armpit of a female soldier in a sub-district. Yes, the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang Mountains is really strange. Even the guns are used differently. They are so short. What kind of bayonets are used on the guns? They look strange. Can you beat the devils with bayonets? Another female soldier took the opportunity to launch an attack! “You.”. You bully people! The female soldiers in the first sub-district obviously could not stand the other side’s many people, and tears were about to come out. What’s the matter, sister? Why are you crying? Several other women soldiers from the Taihang Mountain War Zone, such as the first, second and third sub-districts, came over. Our Shanxi girls are easy to bully, aren’t they? Sisters, give them some color to see see! Few of the female soldiers in the Taihang Mountain War Zone were good at stubble. They rolled up their sleeves and began to play tricks on the female soldiers. The female soldiers scratched each other’s itch and used the special way of solving contradictions between girls to turn a small storm into an invisible one. The male soldiers around him were almost drooling. Alas! One woman is worth two hundred ducks. Three women in a play, digital touch screen board ,smart board for conference room, a bunch of women in a bunch of plays! Li Wei opened his eyes and finished his work. Get out! Immortals can’t stand the chattering of a bunch of women on the side. The female soldiers participating in the competition all have a fight with the female soldiers of the art troupe. They are so talkative. Looking for a quiet place, it was a pity that there were people everywhere, and the movement was not small. Anyway, the whole camp was disturbed by the participating teams. Li Wei sighed bitterly: “God, give me a piece of pure land!” Still searching, a dark shadow suddenly flew across the sky, crossing a bright arc. Whoosh! It hit Li Wei on the back of his forehead, and he stumbled and almost missed a vicious tiger attack. Who is tired of living and dare to hit me with something, who has the guts to come out and fight alone! “What is this?!” Li Weigang’s anger was suddenly extinguished by the culprit who was still beating on the ground. Round not Leng Deng, still jumping on the ground, good elasticity, good look familiar. It’s a ball! Li Wei looked around, good guy, a lot of people are staring at him. He seemed to be frightened by his arrogant words just now. Looking at the back of the crowd, there was a tall thing, which looked familiar, a big wooden pole, made into a 7-shaped shape, with a large wooden board at the top of the 7-shaped shape, an iron ring on the board, and several frames drawn on the board. Backboard?! Basket ~ The ball on the ground is a basketball?! Li Wei just came to his senses now. After almost two years in this era, the exciting and challenging fighting life almost made him forget many modern things. Li Wei picked up the ball, which seemed to be made of cowhide. The style was very old, and the weight in his hand was heavier than that of a modern rubber basketball. Suddenly, three tall foreigners came out of the crowd and walked straight up to Li Wei. hello!boy!” English made Li Wei raise his head, “foreign devils!”? One is blonde, one is black hair and brown eyes, and one is brown hair, wearing different military uniforms, the physique is unusually strong. Seeing Li Weileng’s appearance, the brown-haired foreigner leaned close to the ears of the other two foreigners and muttered, “Bruno, Tommy, is this Chinese boy scared?” “It seems that the Chinese people are very backward and uncivilized. They haven’t seen basketball yet. Maybe they think it’s a God falling from the sky.” Bruno, get the ball back! You dropped the ball just now! “The three foreigners muttered one after another.” thisisbasetball! basetball! understand!” The blond foreigner, known as Bruno,86 smart board, stepped forward and pointed to the ball in Li Wei’s hand, with the expression of a kindergarten teacher looking at things and reading. Baidu Search Book Bar to Read the Latest and Most Complete Novels/ [db: wangzhi] Section 183 Www.www/xiaoshuotxt. Co m “dead foreign devils! basetball! Of course I know it’s basketball! Think I’m illiterate, damn it! Li Wei murmured bitterly that the sudden shot just now almost made him confused. It was a disgrace that a martial arts master was hit by a broken basketball.

