Every. Single. Day.

James Qualtrough
2 min readOct 21, 2023


Alarm sounds.

Sort the dog out.


Get the water bottles and snacks for school.

Kid’s breakfast.

Shower. Turn the dial to cold.

Get dressed.

Help get the kids out the door.

Off to work.


Every. Single. Day.

Pretty much exactly the same tasks in exactly the same order. (Except the weekend.)

Something my ‘creative’ brain would have railed against in the past.

The younger me was never a fan of systems or processes.

In fact, I would go to any lengths to avoid them.

I genuinely thought they were holding me back and stopping my creativity.

Now, I couldn’t live without them.

There comes a point when creative, free and unstructured becomes derivative, chaotic and unsustainable.

I still don’t like routine. I’m not a fan of the same thing in the same order every day.

But I embrace it.

It helps me, and more importantly those around me, function effectively.

It’s the only way I can create space to think, to be creative, to follow side projects.

Every. Single. Day.


After unexpected surgery I’m challenging myself to improve. To improve my health and recover from my operation, to do my best work and to be present and available for my family.

Writing regularly on Medium is a part of this challenge.

It’s something that takes me outside my comfort zone.

It’s a small thing but something I hope will open me up to new connections, learning and sharing.

#writing #health #recovery #inspiration #impostersyndrome



James Qualtrough

40+ and just at the start! 🚀 Behind the scenes at FlipRSS.com, proud dad of 3, and living Island Life 🇮🇲 Navigating life’s trails & tides, #stoma and all.