Pokémon FITNESS Version

James Hizon
5 min readMay 17, 2022
Image By Slimber.com

If you’ve enjoyed Pokémon SQL Version, you will love the NEW Pokémon FITNESS Version. After completing this program, other people be will be SHOCKed by your transformation and growth of your PokéMuscles.

There are tons of regions to explore across the world ranging from Planet Fitness, Crunch, 24 Hour Fitness, Anytime Fitness, LA Fitness, and even at your own home. I personally prefer purchasing a gym membership for the public accountability and leave the house with the nutritional value of a Mental Herb (for mental health).

Just like how in Pokémon SQL Version, there were 8 different LeetCode SQL Problems to solve, in Pokémon Fitness Version, you need to do 8 “Gym” Challenges where you can only have 6 Pokémon (aka muscle group training sessions followed by one day of rest — Sunday). Understanding that certain professionals may have busier schedules, feel free to play around with 4 Pokémon aka days of training instead while doing full upper body and full lower body for split training. Yet, if work is not leading you to high levels of BURNOUT leaving you to take Blaine’s advice on purchasing a Burn Heal, then proceed to working out 6 Days a Week with my program

Did your PokéMuscles faint while challenging Bruno? Well, you may need to stock up on some “Protein.” (SHOW IMAGE OF PROTEIN). Optimal nutrition will be vital for evolving your Lv. 12 Machop…



James Hizon

👨‍💻 Data Engineer | ✍️ Writer | Fitness | Personal Finance, Web3 | SaaS | Mental Health