Cyber-FM: The Line, It Is Drawn:

James Tylee
6 min readJan 2, 2019


I’m actually at a loss for words regarding our accomplishments for 2018. Cyber-FM has grown this past year in an unprecedented manner of the previous 11 years. Words cannot describe the amount of awe when you stand back and say to yourself: “Wow, so this happened!” But that’s all I can do.

The above statement about our accomplishments shouldn’t be taken lightly at all. Let’s recap the past 11 years of Cyber-FM Radio:

The curse, it is cast:

We have put more time, money, effort and publicity into Charities and the Community then others could ever claim. Documented.

We work with some of the Best Artists around the world! We put FOOD on the plates of families that can not normally afford to eat. We provide health care to children that require attention.

We raised money during the Stock Market Sub Prime Lending crisis by throwing a concert for Financial Job Recruiters and hooked them up with people that suffered layoffs such as Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, etc… and literally GOT THEM JOBS.

We invest “the almighty dollar” into:

  1. Cancer Research
  2. Autism
  3. Governmental Granted Charities
  4. United Way
  5. American Cancer Society
  6. Rock The Cause NYC.

And I’m saving the best for last. We treat our STAFF as FAMILY. Our Staff. (Yes I said OUR). We are equal. Half of our On Air Personalities get the opportunity to run their own channel. We’ve lost loved ones that we continue to honor, we’ve brought back Personalities who have left us and then regretted it. We routinely remind newcomers of our history by showing off “our startup white-paper” that is literally…. paper.

We treat everyone within this firm with respect, dignity and equality. We say “Great Job!” when they do a great job. We say “You can improve here…” when they need to improve.

The slow one, will later be fast:

One important thing that has not changed in 11 years, is that as time has gone on, many media outlets and organizations have become a bit relaxed in a relatively young ritual. From our beginning, every September 11th, we would all gather for moments of silence to remember horrific acts that affected us all, no matter who we are or where we were. These moments of silence are intended for us to take 30 seconds out of our busy lives to remember just how fragile our welfare is. To remember just how short our lifespans can potentially be. To remember to think of our close loved ones both living and passed.

We perform these moments of silence every year on September 11th at 8:46 a.m, 9:03 a.m, 9:37 a.m, 9:59 a.m, 10:03 a.m, and 10:28 a.m.

Unfortunately, as of late, many people only get to catch one or two of those moments, but it’s certainly better than missing them entirely. Since 2008 Cyber-FM has pursued the same routine. Going silent at those same times for 30 Seconds, followed by a short remembrance speech and some Patriotic songs to celebrate our Union as a Nation. Many people cry, many people tense up, and some smile while holding back tears. But all of them tune in.

Typically, we never name names, but these stations do not pay homage to such an important date any more. We still do. We will continue to.

With Cyber-FM there’s a KEY difference:

Typical Radio:

  • Is Commercialized.
  • Cares only for the almighty dollar.
  • Is arrogant and self-righteous.
  • Cares nothing about the community, unless it’s a Record Label asking you to play a Pop Star 14 times a day.
  • They capitalize from it…. yet cry to Congress about alternative mediums being “unfair practices” against them and their target audience.


  • Plays “Public Service Announcements with the option of Corporate Commercial Airtime in between.
  • Work countless hours where we give up time with our loved ones and family and friends to walk out with $5.
  • Gives back to the community and ignores Record Labels asking us to play a Pop Star 14 times a day.
  • We have listener stats and numbers that would drive Corporate Executives insane… in fact, we know it does because they constantly contact us.
  • We’re international and we cater to each country as specifically as we can.

And the present now, will soon be the past:

In the past year we had an “Oh Shit!” moment. The need to fill a value gap amongst musicians has existed for (what feels like) ions. Everyone from the RIAA to Congress have worked to try to resolve this heavily weighted discrepancy. A majority of our family are IT Professionals centered around FinTech and Security. Only one thing made sense: Distributed Ledger Technology!

Cyber-FM has created an open-source online royalty payment model with peer-reviewed information available worldwide through a distributed ledger system. This is a dual cryptographic token ecosystem named as the Cyber-FMCYFM” token and as the “MFTU” token for representing the “Mainstream For The Underground” product branding.

We have accomplished this strictly with internal resources and without an expectation of profit: this growth in service offerings is tied to our core business without the need for third-party proceeds.

Any online radio station can now use the CYFM crypto token, via exchanges, to pay regulating agencies in the United States and Canada through Cyber-FM’s network. The CYFM Token covers every online broadcast and protects every artist, equally. This is automatically compatible with any form of representation and current PRO membership.

As I’ve personally said before: “Every internet radio station can be fully compliant at a world-wide level with a decentralized environment. Personally, I think this is a historical feat, allowing governments to seamlessly accept blockchain solutions without their own investment.”

The order is rapidly fadin’:

The first one now, will later be last:

Before we started building upon our infrastructure, we first needed to evaluate the existing projects available in this new decentralized world. We looked at each and every established company, read their white-papers, examined their use cases and even spoke with the Founders directly.

Many of whom already knew who we were and were not fond of our inquiries.

The truth is, not one of these projects have the Artist’s welfare and success in mind. Sure it looks great on paper (especially white ones), but the hopes and dreams all resembled the same goal: A 21st Century, still centralized version of Napster, inside of Blockchain Technology. Not one single project involved holding hands with Copyright enforcers and Performance Rights Organizations while simultaneously allowing Musicians better opportunity to enter Mainstream arenas!

For the times, they are a-changin’:

The next 52 weeks are going to be absolutely exciting! Not only for the early adopters of our system, but everyone behind the scenes as well.

Our listeners will earn CYFM while they listen to the greatest music of all time. And that’s coming 1st right now in Quarter 1!

Radio stations around the world are going to become legally compliant in any country of their choice.

Independent and unsigned artists that have limited reach, will be accepted with open arms and retain the ability to protect their craft and earn a sustainable living! They will have better protection and coverage than any “multimillion dollar megastar;” all at no cost!

Amazon users will listen to music and earn money for doing so, at the command of their own voice!

Bigger, better, more liquid cryptocurrency exchanges for our ecosystem!

So make your New Year’s Resolution to STOP PAYING radio stations with monthly fees for music and let us START PAYING you to listen!

Download our app on either Google Play or the iOS App Store now!

Stay tuned for our future posts, as we have a lot of “MFTU” to discuss in 2019!

