Heaven and earth, there is a distance of a rope (rough Chinese road article sweet pet)

Justin S. Wilson
6 min readAug 29, 2022


“No” Zhong Ping frowned “Xiao Luo it’s not that I won’t help you but My boyfriend’s experience is not so pleasant He loves his mother very much I don’t want to rub salt in his wounds because of these things that I know are impossible You said that I have done DNA identification for so long and I should know the person who is looking for relatives very well Similarly I have done DNA identification for so long and I also know the Chemicals person who has suffered for a lifetime because of family reasons Ronaldinho was silent “I understand” After a while she took out a photo “This is a photo taken when the child was more than one year old Your boyfriend must also have childhood photos Compare them” If they look the same will they be able to Zhong Ping took the picture and looked down The child in the photo is wearing a sweater and a cloth bib lying on a red sheet looking up at the camera with a smile and a red dot between his eyebrows I can’t tell who he looks like Xiao Luo handed over another photo “This is his parents” Zhong Ping looked again The woman in the photo is dressed fashionably and looks very beautiful The man is tall handsome and tough At first glance Lu Shi does look like him “Just look for a chance to ask your boyfriend to look at his childhood photos” said Xiao Luo “Is that OK” Zhong Ping I Let me see Xiao Luo smiled Zhong Ping asked “Where is the couple now” Did you tell them Xiao Luo sighed “No ten years ago they passed away one after another so this is just an obsession of mine They didn’t wait before they died If there are ghosts and gods in the world I hope they have knowledge under the spring” The night talk was still going on Behind the clock screen at the other end of the partition the waiter passed by with a dinner plate and called out “Gao” Gao Nan raised his hand to stop him glanced at the opposite side of the carved partition and left silently Chapter 61 New Year’s Eve Driving out of the parking lot and passing the restaurant Gao Nan looked sideways and saw a flash of night lights It was sunny during the day and drizzling at night The rain fell on the window I don’t know if it was an illusion but there seemed to be snow in it Gao Nan turned on the wiper and turned on the radio The host of the traffic station just talked about the weather and it was sleet At the intersection of the red light there was a long queue in the motorcade He stopped slowly and tapped the steering wheel with his finger for a while The front seemed to be blocked and did not move Gao Nan was a little impatient He took out his pocket and emptied it Finally he turned out a box of chewing gum from the car opened it and poured out two put them in his mouth and gradually calmed down For a long time the motorcade moved forward slowly followed by Gao Nan When he got home half an hour later he sat on the sofa holding his laptop and began to deal with his work The TV was muted and the CCTV news kept playing When the new anchor came on stage after midnight he closed the computer sat quietly for a moment and took out his mobile phone to watch The screen suddenly changed and the name of “Lu Xue’er” appeared in front of him Gao Nan twisted his eyebrows China Factory After a while he picked it up The woman at the other end screamed “Gao Nan come to the hospital quickly!” Gao Nan frowned again “What’s the matter” Lu Xueer cried “He has a red rash all over his body and he is burning all over I sent him to the hospital and left his wallet at home Come here quickly and bring the money!” Gao Nan said “I’ll call Shen Hui for you” He didn’t finish and was interrupted Shen Hui! Shen Hui! I ***ing called you and you send me the money right now! Gao Nan I tell you if anything happens to my son I’ll kill you! Lu Hsueh-erh was hysterical and he turned to crying in a daze “I can’t do it I can’t do it rolling-” Gao Nan glanced at the time and said helplessly “Which hospital” Lu Xueer played crazily outside for half a day and went home to accompany him at night It was rare not to let his sister-in-law take care of him He let him sleep beside him kissing and teasing him to sleep She watched TV and brushed her mobile phone by herself Who would have thought that before going to bed I heard a rolling cry which was somewhat unusual and my forehead was hot again I pulled down my clothes and saw a red rash all over my body She was so frightened that she woke up her sister-in-law and drove to the nearest hospital in a hurry Both of them forgot their wallets and the nanny had a holiday She rushed her sister-in-law back to withdraw money but soon she panicked again The child was still being examined and her hands and feet trembled When Gao Nan arrived he saw Lu Xueer wearing a coat over his pajamas snow boots on his feet no makeup faded yellow hair that had not been re-dyed unkempt and nondescript The expression is normal When Lu Xueer saw the man he tucked in the baby’s quilt and Minerals & Metallurgy said softly “Go and pay the money first” Gao Nan handed in money to come back just ask “What circumstance is the child” Lu Xueer patted the baby and said “I was vaccinated before and the doctor just said that I was allergic to the vaccine” Gao Nan “Is it serious” “Can it not be serious I don’t know when the child’s rash will disappear!” Lu Xueer’s eyes were red his head was low and the people on the side could not see him “He cried until his face was red” The child had to observe for a while before he could leave Gao Nan took off his overcoat and sat on the side to accompany him Halfway through the nurse came once Lu Xueer was confused Gao Nan helped to ask again and explained to her again When the nurse left Lu Xueer breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed completely He grabbed the baby’s little hand and said “Look at his hand It’s like a toy The dolls I played with when I was a child were as big as he was” Lu Hsueh-erh bent down and kissed his little hand “Look!” He said to Gao Nan Gao Nan glanced at it casually “Yes” Lu Xueer turned his head and looked at him for a while The corners of his mouth were hooked and his eyes fell on the baby again He said “Go and buy me a bottle of water There is a vending machine in the corridor” After a pause Gao Nan stood up and went out to buy water for her When the man left Lu Xueer looked at the mobile phone beside his seat moved his finger hesitated for a moment and stretched out his hand After a while After buying the water Gao Nan pushed the door and came in and said “Mineral water” Words he quickly stepped forward to copy the mobile phone Lu Xueer dodged him mobile phone held high the screen is facing sneer “I casually click on the album guess what I see” On the screen is a photo of the smiling face of a blurry clock screen Unexpectedly it was enlarged “Lu Xueer looked at his mobile phone and shrank the screen” It turned out to be a group photo Is it some kind of mountaineering 。 trade-global.com

