Why we should treat loneliness like cancer?

3 min readDec 7, 2019


2020 is just around the corner promising festive celebrations where everybody should be happy and celebrating. But is everyone going to actually celebrate? While some of us are busy planning parties, some of our friends are looking for ways to treat loneliness. ‘One in every five Americans feel lonely or socially isolated’, according to the Health Resources and Services Administration, USA. In today’s society where more and more people prefer to stay in solitude and detach themselves from society, the spreading epidemic of loneliness is a growing concern. The aggravating situation is forcing psychologists to get to the roots of the problem and find out ways to treat loneliness.

A cancer cell developed in one part of the body, if not treated on time can damage the nearby cells and organs while spreading across your body. Similarly, even loneliness can start with a singular thought but if not acted upon soon, it can grow in multiple ways to impact your health. According to research conducted by former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, “Loneliness and weak social connections are associated with a reduction in lifespan similar to that caused by smoking 15 cigarettes a day.”

Loneliness is creeping in our society among every age group. From teenagers to people living in their late eighties have been experiencing its different forms. This makes it difficult to find particular ways to treat loneliness. Every individual has a different reason behind being in that state. The reasons could vary from moving in a new place to a recent heartbreak. Each reason needs to be treated individually.

To find a way to treat loneliness one needs to make changes in their attitude towards their life. Our competitive behavior has made us focus more on achieving targets rather than enjoying our work. Our level of happiness is proportionate with the number of achievements we have had in our lives. Even when we achieve the desired goal we end up setting new targets instead of celebrating the achievement. This becomes the vicious circle that pulls you away from your family and friends. If you feel you are in a similar situation then just stop! Take a break. Let your hair down and cherish all those moments till today that have made you proud. Before planning your tomorrow, live today completely, with your loved ones.

Another trend prevalent these days is of finding yourself, for which people disconnect from the rest of the world. Social media has played an important role in making this a reason for loneliness. Lively conversations with your friends in coffee shops have now turned into text chats, hiding you behind your digital screens. And the added pressure that social media platforms create keeps reminding you of how dull your life is while your colleagues are having a blast. Even though a solo traveler’s Instagram account may look enticing, but the joy of exploring a new place with your crazy group of friends is irreplaceable. Can you imagine how long Sarah’s misery would have lasted if she would have taken a solo trip ditching her friends in ‘Sex in the City’? So give a chance to that long-forgotten trip you had planned in your school days with your best friend. Relive those days to remember how happy things were when life was simpler.

Complicated or failed relationships are also another reality of our society. A way to treat loneliness of this kind would be to not entangle our relationships. Each bond that we share with various people in our life deserves to be treated individually. If one relationship leads to heartbreak don’t move away from other people of your life. Why burden all your relationships with the aftermath of one failed relationship? Instead of isolating yourself talk to any person that you are comfortable with. Express your emotions and let your heart out. It may take time but in the end, you will feel lighter.

Let’s make 2020 a year full of happiness and connection. If you feel you are lonely then take that dreadful step towards beginning new friendships. Trust me, you will not regret it. And if you feel someone in a similar state is trying to find a way to treat loneliness, then spare a moment to talk to that person, connect with him and share his load. Let the New Year be happy for all!




James has been conducting an extensive research to find the relationship between loneliness in American culture and Human Connection.