What is Good Economic Leadership in the 21st Century? V. 1 Marx vs the Haters
Inflation, rising house costs, the state of education, and the job market.
Any US president…
Any… uggghhhh…US political analyst…..ughhh…
any….. ugh….god….what is happening to our country….political troll
Must have some solutions to these economic and education problems in 2024.
Polling data is proving that at least in 2024, it’s not Gaza, it’s not Ukraine, it’s not even China or immigration.
It’s the economy… stupid.
So what even makes a good economic leader?
Per capita GDP? Gdp? Cost of living? Sustainability? And who's making sure that these numbers aren’t just phony baloney?
Possible Leaders to Choose from
Karl Marx
Yeah, I know. This fucking asshole. This fucking asshole depending on who you agree with is Karl Marx the man who saved freedom, the human soul, and the working man, or Karl Marx the man who wanted labor unions to shoot wealthy people in the street and not wear deodorant.
I know Karl Marx is the misquoted man in the world but if you can trust my interpretation, in short:
- Karl thinks people can use money to calculate how much it takes to keep a person sane and alive, and then take/borrow what’s left over to make new business/ideas/art.
- Value of people — money they dont need to survive = investment
- investment x intelligence x time = capital
- Money > Power
Karl saw how this formula was used by merchants, landlords, trade union leaders to develop far more real power than kings, generals, church leaders, slavers.
Marx saw in this enviroment that it is leaders who can exploit the mutual value of their community to the highest amount of long lasting capital that thrive.
Gustavo and Karl agree that it is not fear of power that motivates people, but strong security of food, water, and basic standards of living that keep people following you.
But Karl is hater, at the end of the day. Surely some people are pro capitalist and can see how capital can be used in great, even fun ways.
Pro capitalist Hater of Marx
This guy? This guy is Alfred Marshall, he’s probaly your dad’s favorite econimist, favorite economist. Why? Because he wanted to prove that economics is true blue science.
He used statistics and labor records to show for example how in the beginning the consumer has power.. They can pick whoever they want and even if they have to move to another city, another country that’s way easier than moving a business.
But…if a business starts making any money, they can make it more efficent, learn the best way to do it, and dont have to spend as much money on marketing.
Money is not replacement for the whip and the carrot, but Marshall argues, but instead a whole new way people can together plan their lives without violence, poverty, or sickness.
Businesses need money in the begining, consumers need money all the time, but not a lot, and Marshall’s statisitical analysis shows money, and financial planning improving far, far, far more lives than it hurt.
Leaders who inspire their community to grow and use their intelligence to guide their people with science are the true mavericks in Alfred’s ecomomy.
Yeah…I know. But if you haven’t seen the office, Michael is a paper salesman in a dying industry, who uses community values and a borderline autistis perspective on the ins and outs of paper and sales industry to outperform classic “corporate” heads.
It is exactly what makes Michael not like Gustavo that allows him to earn the loyalty of his team, and exactly why Gustavo Fring could never win true loyalty from anyone.
Y’know and the fact that he’s a murderous killing machine who will say whatever it takes to do what he needs to do.
See the difference? Alfred’s more modest, more apologetic view of capitlism may strike some as naive, or foolish, but his stastical analysis was the bedrock of the UK economic education system at the height of it’s douchery and power (1890– 1920). Basically his shit was the matrix for 30 years.
Alfred used statistics to prove that people who use contracts, money, and business structure to improve the fairness and quality of their communities lives outperform stastictical tyrants.
So if anything Alfred proved that you can be a good guy domestically by killing people in other countries.
Sad face.
This is the is first installment of a 3 part series I have on economic leadership prior to the 2024 political election. If you are interested in more content, stay in touch.