Reebric #0 — Introduction to the GCP Adventures

James Timms
2 min readJan 12, 2020


Introducing Reebric

Reebric is a fictional company setup to be the vehicle for my adventures. Not any grand adventures sailing on the start-up seas but adventures into the world of Google Cloud Platform (aka GCP).

GCP is Google’s public cloud offering, competing against the likes of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft’s Azure and many others. It’s less mature than AWS and has a far lower market share, 7% verses AWS at 47% but it’s growing fast with a reported 83% growth in 2019. So why did I choice GCP instead of AWS? Simply chance. It happened to be the cloud I decided to look into first. Who knows, maybe I’ll integrate Reebric’s corporate network into other clouds in the future.

Why Now?

In the past I have built a very real company that runs RaavaVPN, a small VPN service provider, but in those days I was fresh out of university without much clue as to what I was doing. Now I’ve been hardened by several years working in telecommunication at EE and then BT, building our on-prem data centres, I feel ready for a new challenge.

With my new found knowledge in networking, virtualisation and automation I’m setting sail on a mission to build a corporate network from scratch in GCP. This blog will chronicle designs, thinking, victories and defeats, and hopefully lessons learnt on the way.

The Plan

So come join me and Reebric on an adventure into the clouds, who knows what we’ll discover.

The next issues will be on the Reebric’s goals & requirements followed by GCP basics. Join me on the voyage into the unknown and maybe we can all learn something.

